Ultimate Project Manager CRM PRO


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Ultimate Project Manager CRM PRO - 1

Ultimate Project Manager CRM PRO - 2

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An HRM- Ultimate Project Manager CRM PRO System is an entire HRM Solution with Payroll, Leave Holiday, And 3 Type of attendance system and far more.

you will get All In One utilizing this method

Sales and transaction are necessary and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM in a number of methods:

Project Management

You can simply monitor your challenge by including feedback, attachment, tquestions, bugs, milestone, non-public and public notice, challenge smart bill, time administration and monitor your exercise in most characteristic is you may set your objective to finish your challenge with a begin and finish date with superior progress smart. you simply create it nothing to work every little thing manages it. not solely which you can export and import challenge.

Invoice Management

You can simply create and handle invoices with greater than 6 fee gateway.you may set this bill by recurring, you may ship the overdue bill, funds, bill fee reminder refund subject and far more.

Import Option

You can import your CSV or excel file to the next menu







Sales and transaction are necessary and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM Pro in a number of methods:

Keep monitor of leads in a single place and simply observe their progress.

Create good trying proposals for leads or clients and enhance gross sales.

Records your organization bills and have the power to invoice to your clients and auto convert to bill.

Know extra about your clients with highly effective CRM.

Use the Goals Tracking characteristic to maintain gross sales targets in thoughts.

Build skilled, nice trying estimates and invoices.

Powerful help system with potential to auto-import tickets and leads

Custom fields can retailer further info for purchasers, leads , deposit,challenge and extra.

Follow-ups, stories, notes, recordsdata and lots of extra options.

Update History

15 May 20

-- Added Allow customized permission .By default login consumer displaying as customized permission to all permission kind into system settings
-- Added Web lead from with kind builder into settings
-- Added leads notes from leads particulars
-- Added permission choice into consumer menu
-- Added Tags administration into settings
-- Added Tags in projecs menu
-- Added Tags and group and class clickable into desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added standing,severity and Reporter clickable into bugs desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Stages,State clickable into alternatives desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in leads menu
-- Added Lead Source,Leads Status clickable into leads desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added group clickable into objects desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in buy menu
-- Added provider clickable into buy desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in bill menu
-- Added consumer title clickable into bill desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in Credit Note menu
-- Added consumer title and standing clickable into Credit Note desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in proposals menu
-- Added standing clickable into proposals desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in tickets menu
-- Added deptname clickable into tickets desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in deposit menu
-- Added account Name,consumer clickable into deposit desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added Tags in expense menu
-- Added account Name clickable into expense desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added consumer group clickable into consumer desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Added title,go away class clickable into leave_management desk when click on displaying filter it.
-- Redesign Calender 
-- FIXED bill preview permission choice into bill preview when create bill from challenge particulars
-- FIXED a number of days go away dates subject
-- FIXED Multi add subject in consumer particulars
-- FIXED Salary template canculation when edit
-- FIXED modal edit and add subject
-- FIXED Purchase and return inventory gst report particulars
-- FIXED leave_management complete displaying subject in datatable.
-- FIXED leads standing can be none when import leads from imap electronic mail.
-- FIXED date format subject when in report in in all places.
-- FIXED  all identified subject 
-- UPDATE system efficiency

1 April 2020

-- ADDED New theme shade white into theme settings
-- ADDED New theme shade darkish into theme settings
-- ADDED redesign the theme with new look
-- FIXED on required discipline when create objective 
-- FIXED on delete goad ajax subject 
-- FIXED import leads batch subject
-- FIXED pdf attachment subject when ship electronic mail 
-- FIXED  all identified subject 
-- UPDATE system efficiency

13 March 2020

- Codeigniter Framework replace to three.1.11 (newest model) 
-- ADDED Global search from topbar
-- ADDED Added a brand new dropdown menu in prime bar for fast insert
-- ADDED Project Categories into projecs module 
-- ADDED Tquestions Categories into projecs module 
-- FIXED Prefix subject in bill,estimate,proposal,buy,return inventory,challenge
-- FIXED .srt add file subject
-- FIXED Paypal Payment subject
-- FIXED  all identified subject 
-- UPDATE system efficiency

10 January 20

-- ADDED Project NO into projecs module 
-- ADDED Project settings into settings menu  
-- FIXED delete bill subject 
-- FIXED Saved working days subject 
-- FIXED consumer filtering subject in consumer menu 
-- UPDATE system efficiency

5 January 20

-- ADDED multi language choice Email template
-- FIXED expense subject when create tquestions
-- FIXED all credit score notes subject
-- FIXED all export subject
-- FIXED name summery multi-language subject
-- Remove ckeditor into bugs
-- UPDATE system efficiency

10 December 19

-- ADDED Email template for credit score notes
-- FIXED can add objects from credit score notes particulars
-- FIXED can ship electronic mail from credit score notes particulars
-- FIXED descending order into leads checklist 
-- FIXED present customized discipline in particulars web page
-- FIXED frontend knowledgebase subject 
-- FIXED apply advance wage subject 
-- FIXED modal scroll subject 
-- UPDATE system efficiency

30 November 19

-- FIXED new attachment modal reload subject into leads
-- FIXED new attachment modal reload subject into tquestions
-- FIXED new attachment modal reload subject into alternative
-- FIXED new attachment modal reload subject into bugs
-- FIXED new attachment modal reload subject into Project
-- FIXED new Announcements modal reload subject into Announcements
-- FIXED new Training modal reload subject into Training
-- FIXED leads particulars subject
-- UPDATE system efficiency

25 November 19

-- ADDED Reccuring Expense
-- ADDED reminder in expense 
-- ADDED tquestions in expense 
-- ADDED New Module Credit notes 
-- ADDED can apply Credit from bill 
-- ADDED new inline division choice when create tickets
-- ADDED potential to see customized discipline from consumer panel 
-- ADDED customized discipline choice into consumer panel 
-- ADDED customized discipline choice into bill PDF 
-- ADDED Can take away present payroll wage template
-- ADDED Can Import imto objects menu
-- ADDED Bulk Delete choice Into Project,Tquestions,Items,Leads,Tickets,Expense,Deposit and Client Module.
-- FIXED Invoice perfix from challenge controller and cronjob controller 
-- FIXED Staff finace overview error in challenge particulars 
-- FIXED Knowlegdebase particulars subject in frontend panel 
-- FIXED Convert Invoice from expense 
-- FIXED Leads particulars subject into calender
-- FIXED Project clone title
-- FIXED Razorpay fee subject from consumer panel
-- FIXED by default tables_pagination_limit is 10 
-- FIXED Razorpay fee gateway subject 
-- FIXED Payroll Calculation
-- FIXED Attendance Time subject 
-- FIXED Import date subject 
-- FIXED Responsive Issue in in all places 
-- UPDATE system efficiency

20 September 19

-- FIXED Holiday Save subject
-- FIXED job round particulars subject
-- Added Return inventory objects from consumer panel
-- Added Return inventory by provider
-- Added Return inventory by consumer
-- Added Return inventory fee
-- Added faucet fee
--- FIXED  all identified subject 
--- UPDATE system efficiency

9 August 19

-- FIXED consumer reset password subject
-- FIXED bill edit permission subject 
-- FIXED payroll wage template pdf subject 
-- FIXED payroll summer season PDF subject 
-- FIXED Award checklist view subject 
-- FIXED Anvance wage checklist subject 
-- FIXED Leave software subject
--- FIXED  all identified subject 
--- UPDATE system efficiency

3 August 19

-- ADDED Apply Job button in login web page conceal/present choice from settings
-- ADDED SMS Gateway Twilio
-- ADDED SMS Gateway Clickatell
-- ADDED SMS notification on Invoice Reminder  
-- ADDED SMS notification on Invoice Overdue   
-- ADDED SMS notification on Invoice Payment Recorded 
-- ADDED SMS notification on Estimate Expiration Reminder 
-- ADDED SMS notification on Proposal Expiration Reminder 
-- ADDED SMS notification on Purchase 
-- ADDED SMS notification on Purchase fee  
-- ADDED SMS notification on Purchase Return Stock 
-- ADDED SMS notification on Transaction Record expense/deposit/switch 
-- ADDED SMS notification on Staff Reminder 
-- ADDED Razorpay Payment gateway 
-- FIXED delete buy fee operate into the acquisition 
-- FIXED standing motion subject from the consumer 
-- FIXED provider save subject 
-- FIXED lock display screen copyright subject
-- FIXED workplace asset inventory edit subject
-- FIXED Leave validation and go away battle subject
-- FIXED knowledgebase class delete subject
-- FIXED knowledgebase class energetic/inactive subject
-- FIXED Filemanager Issue and replace safety subject
--- FIXED  all identified subject 
--- UPDATE system efficiency

17 June 19

-- added decimal separators cash format into system settings
-- added can add scrollbar into sidebar from theme settings
-- added Invoice Number Format 
-- added Estimate Number Format 
-- added Proposal Number Format 
-- added Purchase Number Format 
-- added return inventory Number Format 
-- added buy settings into settings 
-- added potential so as to add inline consumer when creating bill
-- added potential so as to add inline consumer when creating estimate
-- added potential so as to add inline consumer when creating recurring bill
-- added potential so as to add inline consumer when creating challenge
-- added potential so as to add inline paid by (consumer) when creating deposit
-- added potential so as to add inline paid by (consumer) when creating expense
-- added Item deduction restriction alert when added bill objects 
-- added quantity to phrases settings choice into bill settings
-- added quantity to phrases into bill particulars and pdf 
-- added quantity to phrases into Estimate particulars and pdf 
-- added quantity to phrases into proposal particulars and pdf 
-- added quantity to phrases into fee particulars and pdf 
-- added quantity to phrases into return inventory particulars and pdf 
-- FIXED edit consumer cannot create consumer permission
-- FIXED Invoice creation from challenge
-- FIXED set language subject 
-- FIXED buy particulars subject
-- FIXED return particulars and pdf subject
-- change the filemanager theme into consumer panel
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

29 May 19

-- added cowl latter in job
-- FIXED paypal stay account subject [security header not valid]
-- FIXED consumer permission subject when edit
-- FIXED File Manager subject
-- change the filemanager theme.
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

18 May 2019

-- FIXED pending go away authorised checklist
-- change the filemanager theme.
-- change menu title inventory to workplace inventory.
-- FIXED workers cannot see different workers particulars
-- FIXED consumer permission subject when edit
-- Added Search menu choice into sidebar
-- Added Ability so as to add designation when consumer create
-- Added inventory menu
-- Added provider Management
-- Added buy  Management
-- Added buy fee  Management
-- Added return inventory  Management
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

10 January 2019

--- fastened payrol wage template design 
--- fastened payrol make fee hourly calculation 
--- fastened new job posted modal consumer permission
--- fastened change my time subject displaying AM.
--- fastened add vacation subject 
--- fastened job software date subject 
--- fastened all transactions report account subject when make pdf
--- fastened present/conceal bill subject from consumer bill
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

2 December 18

--- added from date and thus far when generate pdf report by date in report menu
--- fastened Client delete choice 
--- fastened attendance timechange AM/PM subject
--- fastened bill notice subject
--- fastened knowledgebase articles view with embeded code subject
--- fastened all modal subject
--- fastened chat empty message subject
--- fastened challenge element tab subject
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

16 November 18

--- Added Attendance restricted by IP, Attendance Alart by electronic mail clock in/out and pending by electronic mail
--- Added menu type horizontal menu from theme settings
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

10 November 18

--- Added Allow Staff can see to All Finance Overview in Project
--- fastened All PHP 7.2 subject 
--- fastened bill brand into in bill element into consumer panel
--- fastened Estimate brand into in estimate element into consumer panel
--- fastened inbox error in mailbox into consumer panel
--- fastened division not displaying correctly when edit tickets into admin panel
--- fastened solely admin can create admin when create consumer
--- fastened customized discipline checkbox design subject
--- fastened reccuring bill subject when edit in bill
--- fastened databack backup subject
--- fastened Vietnamese language subject
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

03 October 18

--- replace codeignitor newest Version 3.1.9
--- use PDO database for quick loading
--- added filter permission to see everybody  
--- added filter right this moment into fee
--- added Vietnamese language
--- added filter sort by classes in inventory report
--- added deposit electronic mail template into tbl_email_template
--- Fixed payroll time beyond regulation calculation error
--- Fixed reverse financial institution routing quantity and financial institution title error
--- Fixed knowledgebase class edit modal error
--- Fixed authorize.web standing error
--- Fixed consumer database search error 
--- Fixed challenge progress proportion error 
--- Fixed tickets reporter tooltip error 
--- Fixed tickets filter error 
--- Fixed financial institution & money filter subject 
--- Fixed fee particulars to bill redirects subject
--- Fixed estimate challenge and consumer choose subject
--- Fixed transaction report graph subject into transaction
--- Fixed customized filed standing is null subject
--- Fixed desk search or ordering subject
--- fastened all identified subject 
--- replace system efficiency

9 September 18

--- added potential to take away recordsdata as soon as uploaded to Users/Profile/Documents
--- fastened XSS vulnerability safety subject
--- fastened customized discipline energetic/inactive and particular character subject
--- fastened customized discipline change language subject
--- fastened mailbox subject in trash draft and structure
--- fastened job software by id from job round
--- fastened convert to challenge bill calculation 
--- fastened paypal username subject
--- fastened authorize.web energetic/inactive subject
--- fastened working days hour subject
--- fastened replace employment id subject in consumer replace
--- fastened non-public chat restriction for consumer and workers
--- fastened add file subject

19 August 18

--- added deposit electronic mail when save in deposit 
--- return offsidebar calculator
--- added obtain all attachment in challenge,leads,bugs,tquestions,alternative  
--- added tickets reopen electronic mail in tickets
--- fastened bill brand not displaying in bill particulars 
--- fastened job software standing change subject
--- fastened lead all attachment obtain choice
--- fastened challenge star date and finish date subject in consumer panel
--- fastened convert to bill in challenge when all_timesheet_individually error
--- fastened bill edit/create permission
--- fastened consumer edit/create permission
--- fastened job software element and obtain resume subject
--- fastened division permission subject
--- modify id encode and decode choice one to many in bill,estimate,proposal 
--- enhance efficiency
--- fastened all subject as know

28 July 18

--- Added if electronic mail not ship can be retailer for subsequent by cronjob
--- Added potential to begin time a number of customers in identical tquestions and challenge
--- Added division smart electronic mail integration in ticketing 
--- Added particular person electronic mail integration in leads
--- fastened right this moment fee in dashboard
--- fastened right this moment bill quantity in dashboard
--- fastened open tickets in dashboard
--- fastened due quantity in dashboard
--- fastened default precedence displaying in consumer and admin tickets module
--- fastened The Draft Invoice quantity is showing within the “Total Outstanding Invoice” is showing. into admin panel
--- fastened The Draft Invoice quantity is showing within the “Total Outstanding Invoice” is showing. into consumer panel
--- fastened The Draft standing  Project Invoice checklist into consumer panel
--- enhance efficiency
--- fastened all subject as know

12 July 18

-- Added delete affirm message for each delete
-- Added datatable Ajax in entire system
-- Added conferences alternative in calendar module
-- Added filter in challenge
-- Added filter in tquestions module
-- Added filter choice in bugs module
-- Added filter choice in leads module
-- Added extra filter choice in bill module
-- Added extra filter choice in estimate module
-- Added extra filter choice in proposal module
-- Added filter choice in fee module
-- Added filter choice in objects module
-- Added filter choice in tickets module
-- Added filter choice in expense module
-- Added filter choice in deposit module
-- Added filter choice in switch module
-- Added filter choice in switch report module
-- Added filter choice in Assign Stock module
-- Added filter choice in Jobs Application module
-- Added filter choice in Goal Tracking module
-- Added filter choice in consumer module
-- Added confirmed sub tquestion into tquestions checklist
-- Added subject no,Reproducibility and Severity when create bugs 
-- eliminated tickets dropdown standing from menu
-- redesigned bill,estimate,proposal element
-- fastened all overdue subject in tquestions,bill,estimate,proposal,challenge
-- fastened report assigned by consumer in challenge,tquestion,tickets report
-- fastened payroll wage template duplicate subject
-- fastened bill,estimate,proposal pdf format 
-- enhance efficiency
-- fastened all subject as know

14 May 18

--- fastened displaying all designation is identical in chat checklist
--- fastened displaying incorrect division head  in consumer checklist
--- fastened bill adjustment didn't add when made fee
--- fastened battle menu transaction report and transaction menu open 
--- enhance efficiency
--- fastened all subject as know

22 March 18

--- Added compress output == true in config file 
--- redesigned bill,estimate,proposal particulars web page.
--- fastened all ajax isseus
--- enhance efficiency
--- fastened all subject as know

8 March 18

--- Added mark as attendance menu choice in attendance 
--- fastened tickets reply,in progress and shut dropzone subject
--- fastened payroll hourly fee standing displaying error
--- fastened time beyond regulation yearly report URL 
--- fastened coaching pdf error
--- fastened system settings default account choice
--- fastened real-time notification hook error
--- fastened undefined telephone error in bill element
--- fastened backup database error
--- fastened final login confirmed in profile element
--- fastened breadcrumbs choice when unknown menu
--- fastened clear exercise from initiatives particulars
--- fastened knowledgebase looking in php 7
--- enhance efficiency
--- fastened all subject as know

25 February 2018

--- Added Department head title into division checklist
--- Added consumer lash when clicking complete customers in division checklist
--- Added tooltip date and time when hovering the actions time in the past in every exercise
--- Added electronic mail template for job interview name
--- Added ship electronic mail and interview date choice when choose name for interview in job software
--- fastened customized discipline delete choice
--- fastened 2checkout validation choice
--- fastened Tquestions export report pdf 
--- fastened to Generate payslip error
--- fastened cal days in month for PHP 7
--- fastened challenge description restrict 
--- fastened chat scrolling choice
--- fastened pdf generate error in PHP 7
--- fastened Login panel down left is language not displaying in left facet
--- fastened coaching permission subject when choose customized permission
--- all javascript and css file minifined
--- enhance efficiency

--- fastened all subject as know

25 January 18

--- change dompdf model 0.8
--- Fixed bill PDF subject.
--- fastened consumer panel safety subject.
--- fastened dashboard safety subject.
--- fastened proposal error in frontend
--- fastened proposal subject in admin panel
--- fastened all subject as know

22 January 18

--- Added potential to cover dashboard options for workers
--- Added My Calender in dashboard.
--- Added due quantity can be proven in fee receipt.
--- Added Routing quantity and Account sort into worker financial institution particulars.
--- Added Sales report into report menu
--- Added Invoice report into Sales Report
--- Added Invoice by consumer report into Sales Report
--- Added Payment acquired report into Sales Report
--- Added Estimate report into Sales Report
--- Added Estimate by consumer report into Sales Report
--- Added Proposals report into Sales Report
--- Added Proposals by consumer report into Sales Report
--- Added potential to create new customized group inline whereas creating/enhancing consumer
--- Added potential to create new alternative State cause inline whereas creating/enhancing Opportunity
--- Added potential to create new Leads Status inline whereas creating/enhancing Leads
--- Added potential to create new Leads supply inline whereas creating/enhancing Leads
--- Added potential to create new Items Group inline whereas creating/enhancing Items
--- Added potential to create new Articles class inline whereas creating/enhancing Articles
--- Added potential to create new Expense class inline whereas creating/enhancing Expense
--- Added potential to create new revenue/deposit class inline whereas creating/enhancing deposit
--- Added potential to create new fee technique inline whereas creating/enhancing Expense
--- Added potential to create new fee technique inline whereas creating/enhancing deposit
--- Added potential to create new fee technique inline whereas creating/enhancing Payment in bill
--- Added potential to create new Account inline whereas creating/enhancing Payment/Deposit/expense/make fee in Payroll
--- Added Multi language into dashboard clock date time and format time.
--- Added clone Invoice with bill date and due date choice into Invoice checklist
--- Added clone Estimate with estimate date and due date choice into Invoice checklist
--- Added clone Estimate with proposal date and expire date choice into Invoice checklist
--- Added clone challenge choice into challenge checklist
--- Redesigned report Menu 
--- Changed Hourly Rate and estimate Hour not required
--- FIXED make fee subject in payroll
--- FIXED overdue electronic mail in proposal when cron
--- FIXED reminder electronic mail in leads when cron
--- FIXED bulletins description displaying small in dashboard
--- FIXED Chat checklist responsive subject
--- FIXED Create bill responsive subject
--- FIXED Create Estimate responsive subject
--- FIXED Create Proposal responsive subject
--- FIXED When create bill from challenge tquestions marked as full
--- FIXED When create/edit customized discipline substitute underscore if enter particular character
--- FIXED When make manually fee right into a bill not choose fee technique displaying (-)
--- FIXED Payroll Make fee subject
--- FIXED consumer panel Proposal element subject
--- FIXED lead element assembly date and time subject.
--- FIXED alternative element assembly date and time subject.
--- FIXED Chat Online subject
--- FIXED identified all errors

23 December 17

--- Added go away taken and go away complete into go away report
--- Added disable and added please wait till full the operation into clock button
--- Added extra Four sort of cash format 1'234.56 , 1 234.56,1 234,56 and 1 234'56 into system settings
--- Added time format 24 hours and 12 hours in system settings
--- Added favicon choice into theme settings
--- Added customized filed in go away administration

--- Added Project Overdue template
--- Added Estimate Overdue template
--- Added proposal Overdue template
--- Added proposal Overdue when cron job
--- Added potential to cron manually from settings
--- Added potential to Select financial institution/money account when making fee for an bill
--- Added potential to search out the deposit from transaction deport with description reference hyperlink and transaction hyperlink into deposit description
--- Added fee historical past for an bill when making fee from admin panel
--- Added potential to immediately make fee from fee acquired menu
--- Added potential to Select financial institution/money account when making wage fee for an worker payroll
--- Added new button (set wage) when making fee if the wage just isn't set in payroll
--- Added extra safety in internet hosting, electronic mail and different passwords with by consumer password 
--- Added all consumer info confirmed into particulars with internet hosting and different info
--- Added Ability to vary Reset password with enter password choice
--- Added Ability to vary neglect password and enter newly chosen password with enter password choice
--- Added Added dashboard settings for consumer
--- Added Added column choice to dashboard settings in consumer and admin dashboard

--- FIXED consumer information is empty when making use of new Recruitment
--- FIXED go away administration hourly calculation into go away particulars
--- FIXED go away apply hourly calculation into attendance
--- Fixed if not permission not displaying the net consumer in non-public chat with consumer panel
--- Fixed view notification particulars
--- Fixed stripe fee subject
--- FIXED Tickets change standing subject 
--- FIXED job round description subject in frontend  
--- FIXED job round particulars designation subject in frontend  
--- FIXED PayPal fee subject  
--- FIXED Duplicate wage fee in payroll
--- FIXED Login background subject
--- FIXED  deactivate articles and classes the are nonetheless energetic in knowledgebase
--- FIXED SMTP and different electronic mail points
--- FIXED consumer change username and password and one other subject with validation
--- FIXED all identified errors

11 November 17

--- Added information base module for workers and consumer
--- Added information base class module.
--- FIXED solely present energetic language into login display screen and consumer module
--- FIXED present go away software when apply in single day and hourly
--- FIXED present tooltip in challenge progress
--- FIXED leads filter by standing
--- FIXED go away apply displaying error if designation is empty.
--- Added a hyperlink personal particulars hyperlink when click on on profile picture on sidebar
--- Added dashboard settings choice into settings 
--- Added can conceal/present and sortable dashboard
--- Fixed all bugs 

3 November 17

--- Added Yearly Finance overview(revenue vs expense) right into a dashboard by 12 months.
--- Rename filenamanager folder title - to filemanager
--- Added drag and drop choice into challenge remark part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into challenge new attachment part.
--- Added checklist and thumnail view choice challenge attachment part.
--- Added potential to remark to challenge attachment part.
--- Added potential to  reply remark to challenge attachment part.
--- Added potential to  view and obtain challenge attachment part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into tquestions remark part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into tquestions new attachment part.
--- Added checklist and thumnail view choice tquestions attachment part.
--- Added potential to remark to tquestions attachment part.
--- Added potential to  reply remark to tquestions attachment part.
--- Added potential to  view and obtain tquestions attachment part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into bugs remark part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into bugs new attachment part.
--- Added checklist and thumnail view choice bugs attachment part.
--- Added potential to remark to bugs attachment part.
--- Added potential to  reply remark to bugs attachment part.
--- Added potential to  view and obtain bugs attachment part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into alternative remark part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into alternative new attachment part.
--- Added checklist and thumnail view choice alternative attachment part.
--- Added potential to remark to alternative attachment part.
--- Added potential to  reply remark to alternative attachment part.
--- Added potential to  view and obtain alternative attachment part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into leads remark part.
--- Added drag and drop choice into leads new attachment part.
--- Added checklist and thumnail view choice leads attachment part.
--- Added potential to remark to leads attachment part.
--- Added potential to  reply remark to leads attachment part.
--- Added potential to  view and obtain leads attachment part.
--- Added drag and drop choice when create tickets.
--- Added drag and drop choice when tickets reply.
--- Added merchandise stock amount calculation added and deduct objects when bill generated,
--- Added pending approval in go away administration
--- Added admin can assigned customers in go away administration
--- Added can apply for go away by go away sort single day, a number of days and hourly with extremely validation
--- Added add electronic mail filed in customized discipline
--- Added potential to point out on desk in customized discipline
--- Added potential to solely admin can see the sphere in customized discipline
--- Added Filter choice by class into the deposit.
--- Added Filter choice by class into Expense.
--- Added change language choice into login.
--- Added tickets remark reply choice. 
--- Added tickets actions choice. 
--- Added Allow consumer to edit quantity when making fee by on-line choice in bill
--- Added PayUmoney Payment gateway.
--- Added the preloader .
--- Added Added Indian GST and Tax bill additionally added commonplace bill choice into bill settings.
--- Added vat quantity into particulars and PDF into bill/estimate/expense/fee choice into consumer

--- Modify to tug and drop when create deposit
--- Modify to tug and drop when create expense
--- Modify to tug and drop when create tickets
--- Modify to tug and drop when create tickets reply
--- Modify to tug and drop when create Recruitment
--- Modify to tug and drop when apply go away
--- Modify to tug and drop when apply coaching
--- Modify to tug and drop when apply bulletins
--- Modify can create initiatives remark with out refresh
--- Modify can create initiatives remark reply with out refresh
--- Modify can create tquestions remark with out refresh
--- Modify can create tquestions remark reply with out refresh
--- Modify can create bugs remark with out refresh
--- Modify can create bugs remark reply with out refresh
--- Modify can create alternative remark with out refresh
--- Modify can create alternative remark reply with out refresh
--- Modify can create leads remark with out refresh
--- Modify can create leads remark reply with out refresh
--- Modify can create tickets remark with out refresh
--- Modify can create tickets remark reply with out refresh
--- Modify can delete remark with out refresh
--- Modify can delete attachment with out refresh
--- Modify can delete milestones with out refresh
--- Modify can delete tquestions with out refresh
--- Modify can delete initiatives with out refresh
--- Modify can delete challenge timesheet with out refresh
--- Modify can delete tquestions timesheet with out refresh
--- Modify can delete bugs with out refresh
--- Modify can delete alternative with out refresh
--- Modify can delete leads with out refresh
--- Modify can delete invoices with out refresh
--- Modify can delete estimates with out refresh
--- Modify can delete proposal with out refresh
--- Modify can delete tickets with out refresh
--- Modify can delete deposit with out refresh
--- Modify can delete bills with out refresh
--- Modify can delete switch with out refresh
--- Modify can delete departments with out refresh
--- Modify can delete coaching with out refresh
--- Modify can delete go away administration with out refresh

--- FIXED customized discipline required as checked when updating
--- FIXED customized discipline show_on_details as checked when replace
--- fastened departments head checked when consumer replace
--- FIXED bulletins electronic mail title included.
--- FIXED challenge URL when assigned consumer electronic mail.
--- FIXED after apply go away the division head acquired electronic mail subject.
--- FIXED expense class smart complete quantity exhibits the incorrect subject.
--- FIXED revenue class smart complete quantity exhibits the incorrect subject.
--- FIXED challenge progress change progress not displaying appropriately.
--- FIXED new todo add error.
--- FIXED permission smart alternative present error within the dashboard.
--- FIXED bugs description not displaying into bug particulars.
--- Fixed present language into the login kind.
--- FIXED 2Checkout fee gateway.
--- FIXED Braintree fee gateway.
--- FIXED tax info when added objects from bill, estimate, proposal particulars
--- Fixed all bugs 

30 September 17

----- Added todo module into dashboard with due date and standing
----- Added realtime notification system into admin panel utilizing <a href="www.pusher.com">pusher</a>
---------- adde realtime notification into 
---------- initiatives (challenge created,initiatives assigned,Project Completed,New initiatives Comment Received,New initiatives Attachment,Responsible for a Milestone)
---------- tquestions (Tquestion assigned,New Tquestion Comment Received,New Tquestions Attachment,Tquestion up to date)
---------- bugs (Bug assigned,New Bug Comment Received,New Bug Attachment,Bug up to date,Bug Reported)
----------- alternative (alternative assigned,New alternative Comment Received,New alternative Attachment,alternative up to date)
----------- leads(leads assigned,New leads Comment Received,New leads Attachment,leads up to date)
----------- tickets(tickets Opened,tickets closed,tickets Response,tickets assigned,Ticket Auto Closed,)
----------- bill (new bill,replace bill,Reminder bill,Payment recieved,Payment new ,Payment replace)
----------- Estimate(new Estimate,replace Estimate)
----------- Proposal(new Proposal,replace Proposal)
----------- Quotation (New Quotation ,reply Quotation,pricing Quotation)
----------- transaction (New Deposit,New expense,Expense Request,Expense authorised,,Expense Paid)
----------- recruitment (New job software)
----------- announcement (New announcement )
----------- time beyond regulation (Overtime Request,Overtime authorised,Overtime Rejected)
----------- award (Award Received)
----------- advance wage (Advance Salary Reqeust,Advance Salary authorised,Advance Salary Rejected)
----------- go away administration (Leave Request ,go away authorised, ,go away Rejected,)
----------- coaching(Training  Assigned  )
----------- objective monitoring (Achieve Goal,Not Achieve Goal)
----- Added realtime notification system into consumer panel utilizing <a href="www.pusher.com">pusher</a>
----- Fixed all bugs 

30 August 17

----- Added RTL Menu Style into primarily based on consumer and consumer consumer and default.
----- Added Custom Background and shade into menu,prime bar header physique background.
----- Added Back account when fee from bill and displaying into fee particulars
----- Added Back account when make fee from payroll and displaying into wage particulars
----- Added Notes Option into consumer particulars.
----- Added Ability to added login background picture/video
----- Added Login Position choice  Left/proper/heart
----- Added Reminder into consumer particulars with cronjob
----- Added Reminder into Invoice with cronjob
----- Added Reminder into Estimate with cronjob
----- Added Reminder into Proposal with cronjob
----- Added Ability to Zip Invoice 
----- Added Ability to Zip Payment 
----- Added Ability to Zip Estimate
----- Added Ability to Zip Proposal 
----- Improved Pin motion checklist from dashboard to sideboard
----- Improved File Manager Now can add by folder smart  
----- Added Set Default menu choice when consumer registration
----- Added Report Payroll Summery by worker
----- Added Report Payroll Summery by Month
----- Added Report Payroll Summery by Period (Start month and End month).
----- Added Stock report (Assign Stock and inventory checklist)  
----- Fixed all bugs (Many More) 

30 July 17

-- added proposal particulars into leads particulars.
-- added proposal particulars into consumer particulars.
-- Fixed all bugs 

26 July 17

-- added New Menu title is proposal
-- added electronic mail template into proposal menu
-- added  mollie fee gateway 
-- added Total Outstanding /Total Invoice Amount/Past Overdue Invoice/Paid Invoice and report  into bill
-- added Draft/Sent/Expired /Declined/Accepted and report  into Estimate
-- added Draft/Sent/Expired /Declined/Accepted and report  into Proposal
-- added clickable conceal/present report choice into proposal/bill and estimate.
-- added a number of tax choice into merchandise,
-- added unit sort choice into objects.
-- added a number of defualt tax choice into system settings.
-- added merchandise group choice into merchandise
-- added dynamic estimate date choice
-- added dynamic bill date choice
-- added dynamic low cost sort after/earlier than tax choice into estimate
-- added dynamic low cost sort after/earlier than tax choice into Invoice
-- added a number of tax choice when enter objects into estimate
-- added a number of tax choice when enter objects into Invoice
-- added a number of tax choice when enter objects into Proposal
-- added customized discipline choice into proposal.

-- added remark reply choice into challenge,tquestions,bugs,opportunaty.
-- added new type acticity choice.
-- added confirmed modal bill when convert from estimate
-- added confirmed modal bill when convert from proposal
-- Fixed all bugs 

19 Jun 2017

-- added a button within the estimate for creating and add objects.
-- added deposit mail and added electronic mail template for a deposit mail additionally added electronic mail notification 
-- added consumer default menu permission when consumer signup
-- added Kanban into challenge milestones.
-- and bug fastened

12 June 2017

-- added auto replace system.simply replace  
-- replace set up system
-- Added export report as pdf into challenge.
-- Added Billable and unbillable Tquestion choice into challenge.
-- Added Billable and unbillable expense choice into challenge.
-- Added potential so as to add attachment in challenge feedback.
-- Added potential so as to add estimate into challenge.

-- Added export report as pdf into tquestions.
-- Added taks billable and unbillable choice into tquestions.
-- Added kanban choice into tquestions.
-- Added all not began,inprogress,full,deferred,ready for somebody choice into tquestions.

--added billable choice into expense.
--added choice to view expense particulars into expense.
--added title/title for private use  into expense.
--added title/title for private use  into Deposit.
--Abbily to transform into bill if the expense is billable into expense.

-- Added kanban choice into Leads.
-- Added Abbily to Filter choice by leads standing and leads supply into Leads.
-- Added Order no into leads Status.
-- view what number of leads by standing,and supply.

-- Added Abbily to Filter choice by paid,non paid,partially paid,draft,cancelled,overdue,reccuring into Invoice.

-- added create contact button when add consumer into consumer.
-- added consumer permission choice when create contact into consumer.
-- added buyer group choice.
-- Added Dynamic buyer group choice into consumer.
-- view what number of consumer by buyer group.
-- added Latitude,Longitude and map choice into consumer.
-- modify consumer desk added view choice complete challenge,due quantity,acquired quantity,complete expense into consumer.
-- added filtering choice by group into consumer.
-- added file supervisor into consumer particulars.consumer can add and shareing file.

-- added save and add extra button into departments.
-- added create,edit,delete,view choice for all menu into departments.
-- added All settings menu beneath permission.into departments.

-- added abbility to trace by ip_address when clocking.
-- Added time historical past report as pdf into Time History.
-- Added export report as print into Time History.
-- Added added delete choice in time change request (solely admin can delete it).
-- Added attendance report as pdf into Attendance.
-- Added Attendance report as print into Attendance.

-- added job Job Nature choice Contractual in job posted.
-- added Experience choice in job posted.
-- added age Limit choice in job posted.
-- added Salary Rang in job posted.
-- added choice to view all software for particular job in job posted.
-- added choice to view round particulars button in job posted.
-- added change standing choice unread,prmary choose,name for interview into job software.

-- added consumer permission when including the consumer consumer into consumer.
-- added permission choice to all beneath the settings menu.

-- added non-public chat allow/disable choice int menu allocation.
-- Fixed all bugs 

16 Feb 2017

- replace codeignitor 3.1.3
-added into challenge billing sort Fixed worth
-added into challenge billing sort Only Project Hours Based
-added into challenge billing sort Only Tquestions Hours Based
-added into challenge billing sort Project Tquestions Hours Based
-added into challenge calculate progress via challenge hours
-added into challenge calculate progress via tquestions
-added into challenge choice estimate hours  
-added into challenge Project Settings for consumer
-added into challenge Show Overdue,Cancel,On Hold,Inprogress   
-New design into challenge particulars tab.
-added into challenge Grant chart
-added into challenge choice estimate     
-added into challenge choice tickets
-added into challenge challenge settings
-added into Expenseif workers generate expense they need to approve by admin or division head 
-added into Email Template choice for expense approve or reject template.
And many extra and all bugs fastened..

1 Aug 2016

.- add Invoice beginning quantity choice.
.- add bill footer textual content choice.
.- add estimate beginning quantity choice.
.- add estimate footer textual content choice.
.- add bill new pdf design.
.- add bill url and share and make fee choice to anyplace.
-  extimate approve / decliend button add in consumer panel
-  merchandise add bugs fastened
- different some bug fastened .

27 July 2016

.- add FileManager.
- add Tickets auto shut choice
- Invoice bugs fastened
- challenge bugs fastened
- different some bug fastened .

27 Jun 2016

.- add challenge expense
.- add pinned choice
- present absent and go away in calendar 
- add choice to deduct quantity when get wage
- payroll bugs fastened
- different some bug fastened .

24 Jun 2016

-Add User Details .
-Total Addendance in User Details .
-Total Clock Time in User Details .
-Total Leave Details in User Details .
-add Salary Details in User Details .
-add Timecard Details in User Details .
-add Provident Found Details in User Details .
-add Overtime Details in User Details .
-add Tquestion report in User Details .
-add Project Details in User Details .
-add Bugs Details in User Details .
-add choice to fastened fee or hourly fee  in Project .
-set Clock out,cease tquestion timer,challenge timer when logout.
-Add database backup with auto backbut systme and lots of extra.
- some bugs fastened

25 May 2016

-Initial Realease .


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