Vien – Angular Admin Template

Vien - Angular Admin Template


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Vien - Angular Admin Template - 2
Vien - Angular Admin Template - 3

Vien - Angular Admin Template - 4

Vien - Angular Admin Template - 5

Vien - Angular Admin Template - 6


Vien’s main focus is attention for details.
We tried to create an admin theme that we would like to use ourselves so we listed our priorities. We would like to have a theme that is not over complicated to use, does the job well, contains must have components and looks really nice.
We did our best to create layouts for various needs that developers might have and best experience for users.
We used same design language for components, layouts, apps and other parts of the themes.
Hope you enjoy it!


  • Angular CLI
  • Lazy Loading
  • Video Player
  • Right Click Menu
  • Form Wizard
  • Rtl and Ltr Layouts
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Two Panels Menu
  • Icons Mind Webfont
  • 20 Color Schemes
  • 3 Applications
  • Product & Ecommerce Pages
  • Blog Pages
  • Profile & Portfolio Pages
  • Lots of Components


  • ng-select
  • ngx-translate
  • ngx-datatable
  • angular-archwizard
  • angular-calendar
  • angular-svg-round-progressbar
  • angular2-hotkeys
  • angular2-notifications
  • chart.js
  • date-fns
  • firebase
  • glidejs
  • ng2-nouislider
  • ngx-bootstrap
  • ngx-dropzone-wrapper
  • ngx-ellipsis
  • ngx-lightbox
  • ngx-perfect-scrollbar
  • ngx-quill
  • ngx-sortablejs
  • rxjs
  • tslib
  • video.js
  • yamapng


  • Bootstrap(Ngx-Bootstrap) is our choice of UI library for the template and we have not included Angular Material library.
  • Compenent & container architecture is used to build the template. You may find more info here.
  • Authentication is only implemented for Firebase(AngularFire). We plan to implement other options but currently the template does not have any custom auth guard.
  • For multi language, we have implemented Ngx-translaterather than built-in internationalization.
  • We have used mostly static data for the components to provide ease of use but some parts like Datatables and list pages uses an API.
  • Styling is done by a central Sass file and components don’t have separate style files.
  • The template is divided into multiple modules based on the menu to provide lazy loading.
  • The template doesn’t contain any test files.


Version 1.0.0 – 24.02.2020

Initial version.


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