. | Whole Mind Golf

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. | Whole Mind Golf is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“Yesterday we played a match play tournament and I applied some of your methods and it made a huge difference in my game. [… it made me feel so confident. Long story short, I eagled 9 so we took the team match. I was down 1 with 2 to go in individual match play and won 17 and 18 with clutch 5 foot par putts and won. Oh, and feel free to use these comments any way you want, this is by far the best money I’ve ever spent on my golf game. I look forward to doing some private sessions with you in the future.”

Rob Bartos
Southwick, MA

Imagine harnessing the power of a method that makes you actually crave pressure, hit the quality shots when it matters most, feel no nerves over must make putts and play with an unstoppable inner confidence no matter what your handicap…

“I wonder if I’ll be able to hit the ball the way I need to. Geez, I hope people don’t think my game sucks. Will they be thinking “what is this guy doing in this tournament anyways, he’s got no game.” I won’t be able to handle it if I can’t play well tomorrow. Maybe I can call and drop out of the tournament.”

This was from Brett, a client of mine. His inner demons were crushing him. He’d lost before he started. You can see he had almost no chance of playing to his potential or enjoying the game. He’s not alone. How many of these are ruining your game?

What you resist persists…

What demons do you try and wrestle into submission? How successful have your inner battles been? If you’re like many golfers I work with you continue to leave the golf course frustrated and perhaps even wonder if it’s worth playing the game at all.

The sad truth is it will stay like this unless you make some changes in how you use your mind.

It’s kind of like being trapped in a room and the building is on fire. There are two doors and a window but there are flames on the other side of the window and smoke is billowing under the cracks of the doors. You desperately need to get out but you can’t find a way.

One thing’s for sure, no one wants to be stuck in a burning building with no way out. Sadly, that’s exactly what’s happening to most golfers every round they play. They’re suffocating on the mental fumes of their own uncontrollable mind.

Remember, what you resist persists. The more you struggle the worse things get.

You see, I have a background in the Psychology of Human Excellence. I’m an NLP Trainer with Ericksonian Hypnosis training and a host of other skillsets. My life, before golf, was focused on helping others achieve real, dramatic improvements in mental and physical performance. Then, just like you, I got infected with the golf bug and was obsessed with playing as well as I could.

In a minute you’ll find out that I taught myself how to golf, without taking lessons, but wanted more than just a good swing. I wanted to win and play well all the time! But, like you, I experienced frustration at not being able to duplicate my great rounds and play as well in tournaments and competitive situations.

That was until I discovered something, almost by accident, that changed my game and the games (now numbering in the thousands) of my private clients and students from all over the world. It is so powerful and effective at dissolving virtually every single mental issue a golfer faces. The endless issues that prevent you from playing the way you are capable of.

Yet what you’re about to learn is it has NOTHING to do with the swing and EVERYTHING to do with how you use your mind…

While teaching myself how to golf through applying my knowledge of advanced peak performance strategies and accelerated learning techniques I got down to a 3 handicap, without taking lessons. Not bad, huh.

Other golfers began hearing about my results and begged me to work with them. I said “I’m not a golf teacher or a pro.” That didn’t stop them. They just wanted results. I told them again, “I’m not a golf instructor or a sports psychologist.” They just smiled, ignored my comments and conitnued to pursue me.

One client said it best, “you may not have a Phd but you clearly have a masters in results and I want the results you’re getting!” A few of them admiringly nicknamed me the Golf Whisperer. That name stuck and became my brand.

So I started working with golfers of all skill levels, men, women and children. Something incredible happened. Almost be accident. This discovery has become like a Viagra for your mind. Real, predictable, measurable mental potency. You’re about to see why this analogy fits so well…

The Golf Whisperer’s material is the best mental game instructional training I have ever seen in over 30 years as a golf professional at the highest level and I am personal friends with several of the well known mental game gurus on the PGA Tour.

There has never been a champion that didn’t have a strong mind and the ability to control their thoughts and their focus. These methods are comprehensive and reveal the fundamentals of the inner game more succinctly than anything I have ever seen.”

Bobby McIver, PGA Tour Coach & Author of The Heart of the Game

Did you know that Viagra was an accident? The Pfizer company was working on a drug for a completely different purpose and were doing clinical trials. Then from participant feedback they found a peculiar side effect: men were staying erect for hours! This had nothing to do with what they were developing the drug for.

The side-effect became more powerful (and with some stimulating benefits…) than the original purpose of the drug! It was an accident. So here I was working away on golfers’ games from all over the world using covert mental techniques I’d developed during these personal client “trials.”

(what I was doing began to spread very quickly by word of mouth alone. I didn’t promote myself at all yet I was getting swamped with requests)

We worked with visualization techniques, cool mental imagery exercises and some insanely potent mental drills. Yet my focus when working with players was just to improve their game and make them learn it faster.

And then something incredible happened. The game changing event slapped me in the face! I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier.

The “AHA” moment struck me when dozens of students began sending feedback and testimonials on how calm and confident they were while playing the game. They told me they stopped feeling nervous over shots. Their focus improved. A laundry list of mental game issues as long as your arm were melting away, one after another.

I’m going to show you how this side effect has become the biggest breakthrough in game improvement in the past 50 years. It will save you more strokes than a big headed driver or a new set of irons EVER will!

Imagine having a simple system, a method so potent at supercharging your mind it’s like taking a magic pill that instantly cures EVERY conceivable inner game problem you experience??? This is exactly what the Golf Whisperer method does. It will take your mind places you’ve never been on the golf course, I guarantee it.

Are you ready to enter a whole new world in golf? Do you want the red pill or the blue one? Yes, just like Morpheus in the Matrix he asks you to choose a pill: the red one or the blue one.

The red pill is what you’re already taking, by default. Not doing anything IS taking the red pill. It’s the toughest pill to swallow and easy to choke on yet golfers will mindlessly continue to take it. Your experiences will continue to stay the same, game after game after game.

Negative self talk – you beat yourself up after almost every shot – if you talked to others the way you talk to yourself you’d probably have no friends and for sure few playing partners…

Missed pressure putts – contantly missing that putt to win or shoot a personal best score

Bad swings at the wrong time – just when you need it least “that” swing shows up

Play worse in compeition – it’s easy to play well with no-one watching or nothing on the line but how well do you play when competing?

Uncontrollable nerves – first tee jitters and even score crushing nervousness while you play

Lack of focus – a scattered mind that can’t focus will never allow you to shoot your lowest scores.

Poor decision making – not thinking clearly and being certain your shot selection and club selection are the BEST for the sutuation

Easily distracted – someone walking or talking near you, coughing, birds chirping or whatever else, scatters your brain and you lose focus on your shot

Mentally giving up when things aren’t going good – this is a killer of ever being a great player.

And this is just a short list!

It’s hard to calculate how many strokes a round you’re losing every time you play

Laser focus – you don’t even notice distractions because you’re so dialed in

Calm under pressure – this will stun your playing partners at how casually you make clutch shots and putts

Mental toughness – you’ll have a “never quit” attitude, regardless of your score and when the going gets tough you dig even deeper

Clear decision making – this will save you a minimum of 4 strokes a round
Excitement and anticipation for competitive matches and tournaments

Mastery over your nerves – quick and lasting methods for staying calm, centered and relaxed from the first tee to the last putt

Play better in competition than in casual rounds – yes, BETTER
Enter the zone at will – No-one else is teaching this. Know why? They don’t know how. There’s a path that leads to the zone and I’ll give you the GPS

It’s time to take control of your mind and your game and play to the level you KNOW you are capable of, isn’t it?

Do you think it’s an accident that when Tiger Woods was at his peak years ago he had the most dominant mind the game has ever seen? His mental toughness and focus were almost legendary. I have yet to see any player even close to his level of mental control, have you?

This wasn’t by accident, fluke, luck or chance. It was by design. Hypnosis training and advanced mental strategies were used throughout his early years. I modelled these strategies, built on them and created an entirely new system that has taken things to a new level never before seen in golf. Bold statement? Sure. Can I prove it? Absolutely.

Better yet I’ll let my customers do it. After all, they’re the reason this method exists.

Sandy Catford, UK, GoKart Golf

“I was in a competitive tournament and it was pouring rain. Usually I’d be making excuses and expect to play poorly but I decided to mentally commit to playing the best I could. I had a poor start, three putting the first two greens. Then racked up five birdies during the round. Sure I made a couple of mistakes but it was one of the most mentally solid rounds of golf I’ve ever played. I was four under my handicap, bringing my playing handicap down to 4. I won the competition by a mile!

Afterwards my county captain remarked on how consistently well I’m playing and wanted to know what had happened. I just said I’d made some changes and smiled!”

Peter Sykes, South Africa

“I am making real progress towards unconscious golf. The amount of times I burst out laughing at a great shot just by applying the principles you taught continues to surprise me….because it works! I’m gaining an ability to trust my swing using your brilliant way to pick out a target. “ see” the shot and vizualise it by picturing it in a place just between my eyes in my forehead (sounds crazy!)-but it is the first time I have understood just HOW to vizualise “physically” rather than intellectually. Your incredibley practical training shows the correct way to focus and de-stress on the course. Great program.

Hey, I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news but facing reality is the first step toward real change. Are you ready for more than just a “quick tip” or short term improvement? Do you want the keys to the Ferrari of your mind and your game so shooting low scores becomes a habit, not a just pipe dream?

There’s no such thing as a perfect swing. Yet this underlying illusion that there is one has people pounding balls ’til their hands bleed, reading swing tips in golf magazines, watching hundreds of golf swing videos, jumping on the latest golf trend or training aid in search of something that doesn’t exist.

I’m not going to give you the next hippest tip or gimmick or trendy fad in golf. What I’m giving you is total transformation of your game from the inside out. In a way that changes your entire game REGARDLESS of how you hit the ball or what swing philosophy you have.

If I came to you and said “my car is running like crap, what should I do?” you wouldn’t recommend I go get a new paint job, would you?? Of course, not! You’d recommend I get a tune up or do something to the engine, right?!

So why do people believe they can just work on their swing for endless hours, weeks, months and even years and ignore the area that needs to most attention and fine tuning: your mind!

I want to thank you for a great program…As you know I was very skeptical of the program, but I really committed to the process. I still have a ways to go but I’ve seen tremendous progress in my game since adopting your coaching…I’ve never putted better in my 35 years of playing…love the three looks & the precision on the cup & ball…brilliant…

As a 10+ handicap golfer my whole life, my handicap has now dropped to single digits. In the last two weeks alone I’ve shot 74 & 76 at my home course…On one of the 9 hole sides I shot 1 under. That’s crazy good for me!

You helped me realize that I’m a really good golfer. I now expect greatness. Does it always happen? Of course not, but I’m loving the journey of getting better more than ever before.

Oh, I “was” a 10 handicap and now my index is 6.7!

It doesn’t matter if you have a so called “perfect swing” if you can’t pull the trigger when it matters most. It is meaningless to have a silky putting stroke that can’t hold up under pressure and when it feels like the watchful eyes of your competitors are burning a whole in your brain.

It’s a collassal waste of time to assume you can pound balls until your hands bleed in hopes that you’ll dig a better mental game out of the dirt. That only worked for one guy in the history of the game…

If I came to you and said “my car is running like crap, what should I do?” you wouldn’t recommend I go get a new paint job, would you?? Of course, not! Even if you had no clue about cars you’d suggest I get a tune up or do something to the engine, right?!

So why do people believe they can just work on their swing for endless hours, weeks, months and even years and ignore the area that needs to most attention and fine tuning: their mind! The engine of the swing was, is and always will be a mind/body connection.

Stop simply painting the car for a better game and take your engine in for a tune up. Your game and your scores will thank you for it…

Answer these important questions:

Your friends or competitors won’t be able to figure out why and how you’re playing so consistently. They won’t see anything in your swing and will wonder what you’ve been working on that has you playing so incredibley well. It’s a very cool feeling!

It’s kind of like having a covert, insider’s knowledge that unlocks the secrets of the inner game so effortlessly it’s astonishing. You’ll wish you knew this stuff years ago!

It’s time to grab the keys to the Ferrari of your mind and use the most effective mental game strategies in golf. Get ready to feel a brand new thrill while seeing the look on your playing partners’ faces as they watch in astonishment as you blow right past them in the growth of your game. And of course they’ll be buying the beers a lot more often than you will!

Here’s what you get in this game changing system

The fact is people learn in different ways. Some prefer watching in order to learn, some like to read and others want to “hear” what’s going on. So it makes sense to get training in ALL 3 modalities, wouldn’t you agree?! My countless students said that’s one thing they really love about the coaching, it’s good for everyone and leaves no-one out.

Specifically designed to reprogram your mind with the Mind Power Breakthrough principles and get you “conditioned” to shoot lower scores.

You get 2 professionally recorded audio sessions that speak to your conscious AND subconscious mind to attain the true Whole Mind Golf experience in your game.

Awakening Your Golf Mind – Designed to tune your mind toward your own excellence and walks you into your own peak state. This audio coaches you into your own “flow” state in an effortless way: exactly how you’ll learn to play the game.

Building a Winner’s Mindset – What does it mean to be a winner? What does winning mean to you? How can you play from a place that allows you to experience victory time after time? IN this session you’ll step into a true winner’s mindset that is the determining factor in all great rounds.

Life is mobile nowadays and sometimes you might want to get coaching while you’re on the road, travelling or even right on the golf course! Just grab your favourite device and get some coaching!

By ordering now I get access to my products immediately

I receive 2 exclusive, one-on-one video coaching sessions with Wade

I receive 2 Mental Mastery Audio Coaching Sessions

I receive the Whole Mind Golf coaching ebooks

I get 50% off private phone coaching if I want it

I understand I also get 2 unadvertised “Go Low” bonuses

I understand I can request a complete, no hassle refund if I’m not totally satisfied and I have an unbelievably long time to decide…see below for details!

Yes, I am ready to use my mind to its full potential and feel that wonderful sense of fulfillment and accomplishment playing my best golf!!

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No waiting for something to be mailed to you – you get everything online right away

I’ll be using the methods in my very next round of golf!

Try my program out for a full 60 days. I personally guarantee that if you put my system to use you will drop strokes off your scores and hit the best shots you’ve ever hit in your life.

I guarantee you won’t be that player that chokes under pressure, posts bad rounds in competition or mentally gives up when things get tough. If you do ask me for a refund I will promptly and quietly return every penny you paid.

PS; Controlling your mind and knowing powerful methods for laser like focus are at the heart of every great score and great player. You won’t need to blow a pile of money on new clubs every year trying to get better. Your scores WILL improve fast and you’ll have skills that last a lifetime…

PPS; There’s nothing quite like that exhilarating feeling of knowing you have an edge over everyone you play against, no matter how good they think they are! You’ll know things about your mind and the game of golf that are like having an unfair advantage over those who don’t know this stuff. If you’re like most of my customers you won’t want to share this with your friends or competitors! Hey, I completely understand 🙂

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. | Whole Mind Golf is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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