WooEvents – Calendar and Event Booking

WooEvents -  Calendar and Event Booking


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Latest Version 3.6.1 New update! – January 02, 2020 view changelog

Compatible with WordPress 4.9 / 5.2+ and WooCommerce 3.7 + / 4.x

Let’s check how to plugin work with popular themes – View Details

WooEvents is WordPress a plugin that helps you create event booking, events calendar, events class, events scheduler and manage all your online events easily. Allow visitors to register account, submit and booking events

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New Ajax Search: View Demo

New Table Sort & Search: View Demo

New Calendar with filters: View Demo

Work with any payments of WooCommerce

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Ver 3.0 – Add Recurring event by special day, date or custom date

Ver 2.6 – Add Search with filter shortcode : View Demo

Ver 2.5 – Add multiple attendees field info for checkout page : View Demo

Ver 2.2.7 – Add Timeline shortcode : View Demo

Ver 2.2.6 – Event with sponsors : View Demo

Ver 2.2.2 – Add custom meta field for each event : View Demo

Demo Account: demo Password: demo

Admin Dashboard demo: http://exthemes.net/wooevents/wp-admin/

Frontend user login and register: http://exthemes.net/wooevents/my-account/


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Export list of attendees

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Event Submission Form

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Coloring events

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Events Map Styles

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All in one

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Address autocomplete

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Easy translation

Translate all texts on front-end in plugin options or via Loco Translate plugin. You will save alot of time and money, you can also translate all of texts in language file

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Support Barcode and PDF Invoices when ordering ticket

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Responsive Cart & Checkout page

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Features list
  • Bookings, allow users to booking events
  • 3 Main Purpose : Events, Style for Woocommerce, Custom (sell event and product with plugin style), Only use metadata (Sell only event or both with your theme style)
  • Recurring events – day, week, month, special day or custom date
  • Using WooCommerce to create event and sell tickets
  • Multiple Payment mode
  • Users submit Events
  • Email notification to admin when users submit event
  • Email to user when booking or booking success or cancel
  • User History booking
  • Events grid shortcode
  • Lists Countdown
  • Listing upcoming or past event
  • Ical import and Google Calendar support
  • Ical sync google calendar support
  • Google event schema support
  • Limit the number of bookings in an event
  • Custom ticket types
  • Free ticket support
  • Event status (number tickets, status tickets)
  • Calendar with tooltip, agenda week, agenda day, basic week, basic day view table
  • Calendar Shortcode
  • Table Shortcode
  • Timeline Shortcode
  • Block booking before X day event start
  • Single event with 3 layout
  • Listing filter bar (upcoming, ongoing, past)
  • Event Search widget
  • Event with scheduler
  • Event navigation
  • Event with speaker
  • Coupon code
  • Support category, tag
  • Visual Comporser Support
  • Custom thumbsize
  • Supper easy configuration
  • Barcode and PDF invoice support
  • Export to CSV attendees info
  • Delete all events has passed in one click
  • And more …

event plugin
event plugin

Our customer’s sites

Using DIVI Theme https://starplatforms.co.uk



Using Enfold Theme https://rms-reliability.com/events/












Using Bridge Theme http://www.oceansailing.co.za/schedule/




Using The 7 Theme https://eventtrainingaustralia.com.au/








Using Enfold Theme http://www.stajerskagz.si/


Using Bridge Theme http://iamlondon.co.uk/babytrain/course-calendar/











Using Flatsome Theme http://seedoflife.club/events/
















And more, updating…

1. If your theme has customise and style template of woocommerce, you will need to use your theme style which your has customised and to fix some conflict code by Go To WooEvents > General > Main Purpose > Only use metadata.

2. If you want to use our plugin for sell event and product both, you just Go To WooEvents > General > Main Purpose > Custom

3. If you have any other problem, please contact us via support tab

Recent reviews from our customer

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Release log

Version 3.6.1 - 02/01/2020
- Add option to allow send email reminder to all attendees 
- Add Exclude ids option into all shortcodes 
- Add featured event icon to calendar 
- Fix tag/cat not working when set show only featured event 
- Fix orderby ontoup not working in widget 
- Fix google schema bug - Fix some notice
Version 3.6 - 02/10/2019
- Add Check-In addon
- Add event custom label option
- Add min max time parameter to calendar week shortcode
- Add option to change email reminder and feedback subject
- Improve admin meta
- Improve admin setting page
- Remove google plus
- Fix recurring event bug
- Fix calendar bug with taiwan language
- Fix google schema bug when event has multi speaker
- Fix some css conflict 
Version 3.5.3 - 12/04/2019
- Add support: Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce
- Add speaker to table shortcode 
- Fix recurring event bug 
- Fix email feedback show wrong content 
- Fix calendar not working when do not select language 
- Change show only upcoming in speaker page
Version 3.5.2 - 29/01/2019
- Add live update total 
- Add support create recurring event using variation 
- Add speaker grid shortcode 
- Fix Zoom map + add to cart in table 
- Fix calendar view on mobile
Version 3.5.1 - 07/11/2018
- Fix bug cannot send email reminder feedback or thank you
Version 3.5 - 05/11/2018
- Add sub title feature
- Add calendar month filter
- Add calendar list view
- Update Fullcalendar js new version 
-  Add Support event schema 
- Add Ajax search with filter
- Add Free  Featured  Sale immoralges 
- Add button allow bulk update location when edit venue >> Done
- Add Submit Venue field
- Add Email reminder feedback or thank you 
- Add Table with live search & sort 
- Add support export all upcoming events into ical file for calendar
- Improve Style

Version 3.3.5 - 02/09/2018
- Fix bug when install WPML but do not install WooCommerce WPML
Version 3.3.4 - 16/05/2018
- Add support taxonomy query 
- Add option to change content email reminder per event 
- Add event info to archive page when using Main purpose is Only use metadata 
- Add option to show timezone in single event page & Email order. 
- Add option to include category in submit event 
- Add option auto play speed to carousel shortcode 
- Fix some minor bug
Version 3.3.2 - 27/01/2018
- Add delete event has passed feature 
- Support WooCommerce deposit plugin 
- Fix edit single recurring event bug
Version 3.3.1 - 19/01/2018
- Fix but cannot save booking order data 
- Fix wrong recurring event link
Version 3.3 - 05/01/2018
- Add stop booking option per event 
- Add order by upcoming or past event in admin edit events list 
- Add 2 options to set time of event email reminder and option to set time of email reminder per event 
- Update qtip.js 
- Fix Owl carousel conflict with some themes 
- Fix notice 
- Fix calendar bug with php >=7
- Remove font size in html and body tag ( using font size from theme)
Version 3.2 - 16/10/2017
- Fix wrong date of recurring event by custom date. 
- Update attendee info work with product addon plugin 
- Fix wrong text translate 
- Fix query featured product bug
Version 3.0 - 27/07/2017
- Update support recurring event by custom day, date or special date
- Add option to turn off ticket info 
- Add map language option 
- Add view as to search 
- Show event of venue
- Fix show wrong price of variable product
Version 2.7 - 17/04/2017
- Support WooCommerce 3.0
Version 2.6.1 - 01/03/2017
- improve performance - Support Loco translate plugin
Version 2.6 - 24/02/2017
- add list view style - add ical to order - search shortcode - add time zone meta - Add delete all recurring link
Version 2.5.2 - 24/02/2017
- Add custom color for category - Minor bug fix - Add new style for Table shortcode - Speaker list add paging
Version 2.5 - 06/01/2017
- Support multiple attendees info - Add Speaker shortcode - Add new style for carousel shortcode - Fix recurring bug when select hour - Fix select box when no result - Query feature product
Version 2.4.1 - 24/11/2016
- Improve widget latest post + fix calendar shortcode bug
Version 2.4 - 24/11/2016
- Add New style for calendar - Add option to turn off default venue - Add Query by metadata - Add submit recurring - Fix submit image
Version 2.3 - 08/11/2016
- Support additional options submit: price, category, tag, color , number of stock - Add option turn off speaker feature - Add option edit content email reminder
Version 2.2.9- 24/10/2016
- Fix bug cannot book ticket
Version 2.2.8 - 21/10/2016
- Add list event has submited - Add default venue - Add option to block booking X day before event start
Version 2.2.7 - 03/10/2016
- Fix currency position. - Fix bug load Google Map. - Add timeline shortcode - Add new style for countdown - Add new style for widget latest event
Version 2.2.6 - 10/09/2016
- Add feature Sponsor of event - Add option to change number of excerpt
Version 2.2.5 - 20/08/2016
- Update document - Fix setting tab on firefox - Fix email template
Version 2.2.4 - 09/08/2016
- Fix: speaker event list bug, show wrong price of recurring event. 
- Add: allow submit event image.
Version 2.2.2 - 24/07/2016
- Add Custom meta field,speaker event list.
- Calendar support only show upcoming event. 
- Fix cannot load google font, bug notice
Version 2.2.1 - 08/07/2016
- Add option to fill Google Map API key (Google Maps now requires an API key)
Version 2.2 - 05/07/2016
- Event search filter support 
- List Event user has signed up 
- Enable Event review.
Version 2.1 - 22/06/2016
- Support Event email reminder 
Version 2.0.1 - 21/06/2016
- Support WooCommerce 2.6.1 
Version 2.0 - 17/06/2016
- Ajax search support. 
- Map icon bug fix. 
- Add link to grid image. 
- Css bug fix. 
- Update Select2 js library. 
- Add Latitude and Longitude option.
Version 1.7 - 02/06/2016
- Update option to choose using style for WooCommerce 
- Minor bug fix
Version 1.6.1 - 24/05/2016
- Add widget Latest Event
- Responsive cart & checkout update
- Bug Countdown Fix
Version 1.6 - 13/05/2016
- Coloring Events Support
Version 1.5 - 04/05/2016
- Support Carousel shortcode
- Add option to change map style
- Remove message if date no set
- Bug fix
Version 1.2 - 24/04/2016
- Auto complete address support
- Search page bug fix
- Some conflict bug fix
- Css bug fix
Version 1.1 - 12/04/2016
- Support ajax load more posts (events grid, events table shortcode).
- Minor bug fix
Version 1.0.0 - 03/31/2016
- WooEvents – First release


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