woopy | Android Universal Listings + Chat App Template



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iOS, Android and Web variations can share the identical database on back4app

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10 May 2020
• Migrated full venture to AndroidX (venture will run on newest AndroidStudio IDE)

26 Apr 2020
• Code refactoring / improved high quality
11 Sep 2019
• Fixed problem of Login with Facebook.  
• Fixed problem “Compatibility Issue with Facebook SDK 4.38.0” so now we have downgrade Facebook SDK to “4.37.0” nonetheless utilizing the previous constructor, so utilizing that model fixes this explicit problem.
12 July 2019
• Code refactoring / improved high quality
• Improved Home web page design through the use of Card-View approach 
• Fixed crash on Car class view Ad particulars web page 
           (Parse Exception Crash discovered at school AdParticularsActivity.java ...Now Fixed)
• Fixed Image slider validation on Post Ad Page
• Fixed again stack drawback from software 
Fix scroll view problem on all pages

11 June 2019
• Fixed push notifications and fb login
26 May 2019
• Added code for printing keyhash in logs (for Facebook)
• Fixed crash on advert submitting
• Updated gradle model
• Updated libraries variations
19 November 2018
• Fixed login with fb problem
• Updated Parse & fb libraries
• Updated fb app id in strings.xml
28 October 2018
• Added pagination to adverts listing and exercise listing
• Refactored Activity display screen (code cleanup & changed ListView with RecyclerView)
• Small UI enhancements for exercise cell
28 September 2018
• Fixed OutOfMemory crash by resizing photos earlier than displaying
• Fixed third picture thumbnail displaying on Ad Sell/Edit
• Fixed advert sharing through Whatsapp and different social
• Updated onActivityEnd result technique in SellEditMerchandiseActivity.java
• Updated FileUtils.java and ImageLoadingUtils.java recordsdata
• Updated AdParticularsActivity.java onCreate technique
• Updated FileUtils.java
17 September 2018
• Fixed picture displaying after capturing it on advert promoting / modifying
• Added createEmptyFile() technique inside SellEditMerchandiseActivity.java and up to date openCamera() technique
• Updated provider_paths.xml file inside ’xml' folder
• Fixed crash on Sell / Edit advert display screen if the placement handle couldn’t be discovered
• Displayed video filename and length if  the thumbnail couldn’t be retrieved on Sell / Edit advert display screen
19 August 2018
• Fixed app crash whereas viewing the eliminated adverts on "My Likes" display screen
• Fixed "Terms of use" display screen opening
• Fixed crash on video choosing
• Added RealPathUtil.java file to the venture
Changes in SellEditMerchandiseActivity.java file:
• Added videoPath, not null checking and alert displaying in onActivityEnd result() technique
• Modified implementation of getRealPathFromURI() technique
13 August 2018
• Full app reskin
• Code refactoring / improved high quality
• Fixed person permissions dealing with for location, storage, digital camera
• New dialog for picture/video taking/choosing
• Removed pointless permissions inquire ofing
• Fixed UI for Right to Left languages.
26 May 2018
• Accordingly to the brand new EU GDPR phrases, I've up to date the 'tou.html' file and Documentation.
IMPORTANT: This signifies that if a User inquire ofs for his/her Account deletion, you need to do it inside 24 hours, because the GDPR's "Right to be forgotten" Article states (LINK: https://gdpr-info.eu/art-17-gdpr/)
• Added a Query within the 'feedbackButt()' technique in AdParticulars.java, to be able to verify in the event you already despatched a Feedback to a vendor
• Added an AlertDialog.Builder into the 'sendButt()' technique in SendFeedback.java, to be able to dismiss the display screen after sending a suggestions
13 May 2018
• Fixed a problem within the 'submitAdButt()' technique in SellEditMerchandise.java by altering the code that begins with:
    if (Configs.chosenLocation == null) {

• Wrapped some 'adObj.put()' situations into an if assertion:
   // In case it is a new Ad
   if (adObj.getObjectId() == null) {
      adObj.put(Configs.ADS_IS_REPORTED, false);
      adObj.put(Configs.ADS_LIKES, 0);
      adObj.put(Configs.ADS_COMMENTS, 0);
8 May 2018
• Changed Parse model in construct.gradle into 1.16.0, because of some problem on the most recent Parse SDK and FCM:
    implementation 'com.parse:parse-android:1.16.0'

• Edited 'getUserDetailsFromFB()' technique in Wizard.java, this line of code:
    } else { currUser.put(Configs.USER_EMAIL,  facebookID + "@facebook.com"); }
26 April 2018
• Added this line into Configs.java (so now you may set your individual forex image from this file):
   public static String CURRENCY = "$" 

and edited the 'submitAdButt()' technique into SellEditMerchandise.swift by chnging this line:
   adObj.put(Configs.ADS_CURRENCY, Configs.CURRENCY);

• Added a few checkbox photos into the drawable folder
• Edited the 'sign_up.xml' file by including a checkbox Button, and its relative SignUp.java file accordingly (now it's a must to settle for the Terms of Use to enroll)  
• Edited the 'fbButt()' in Wizard.java to be able to present an Alert to simply accept the Terms of Service earlier than continuing to enroll with Facebook
• Updated the Documentation
17 April 2018
• Added new Firebase dependencies in construct.gradle(Module:app)
• Removed the 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:+' implementation and up to date all dependencies to the required ones solely
• Added the 'google-services' classpath within the dependencies{} listing in construct.gradle(Project:)
    classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.2.1'

• Added this Permission into Manifest.xml: 
    <uses-permission android:identify="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

• Updated the Documentation (join your App to Firebase for FCM)
15 April 2018
• Updated to Android Studio 3.1.1
• Removed all dependencies of play-services | left solely this one in construct.gradle:
     implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:+'
11 April 2018
• Updated to Android Studio 3.1
• Updated 'compileSdkVersion' to 27 in construct.gradle
• Replaced 'compile' with 'implementation' in construct.gradle (Module: app)
6 April 2019
• Updated to Android Studio 3.1
• Updated targetSdkVersion to 27 in construct.gradle
• Removed all situations of (Button), (Textual contentView), (ImageView) and so forth. (they have been gray within the code)
• Moved 'public Uri getImageUri()' technique into Configs.java | eliminated it from AdsList.java, AdParticulars.java and MyLikes.java
• Edited the 'Uri uri = getImageUri(this, bmp);' technique by including 'Configs.' earlier than 'getImageUri' within the java recordsdata talked about above
• Added <ParseObject> in all situations of ParseQuery, like this:
• Added this IF situation within the 'submitAdButt()' Button in SellEditMerchandise.java:
    || priceTxt.getText().toString().matches("") 
• Added 2 shortcut strategies to get and save photos from Parse in Configs.java | modified all situations of getting and saving photos within the code
• Generally Cleaned the code
19 March 2018
• Edited the 'setOnEditorActionListener()' technique in Home.java and AdsList.java, to be able to forestall the app from performing a search in case of no textual content
16 February 2018
• Edited the Get verified code into UserProfile.java because it follows:
   if (userObj.get(Configs.USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED) != null) {
      if (userObj.getBoolean(Configs.USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED)) {
         verifTxt.setText("Verified: Yes");
      } else { verifTxt.setText("Verified: No"); }
   } else { verifTxt.setText("Verified: No"); }

• Edited the Get verified code in Account.java because it follows:
    if (currUser.get(Configs.USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED) != null) {
            if (currUser.getBoolean(Configs.USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED)) {
                verifiedtxt.setText("Verified: Yes");
            } else { verifiedtxt.setText("Verified: No"); }
     } else { verifiedtxt.setText("Verified: No"); } 

• Edited the Get verified code in AdParticulars.java because it follows:
    if (sellerPointer.get(Configs.USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED) != null) {
       if (sellerPointer.getBoolean(Configs.USER_EMAIL_VERIFIED)) {
          verifiedTxt.setText("Verified: Yes");
       } else { verifiedTxt.setText("Verified: No"); }
    } else { verifiedTxt.setText("Verified: No"); }

• Removed the next 2 traces in map_screen.xml:
20 January 2018
• Added this line within the dependencies listing of construct.gradle (Module: app):
    compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:+'

woopy is a Universal App template the place you may browse and submit listings on the go, new or used stuff you wish to promote. You can seek for key phrases or class, chat with the vendor by his merchandise’s web page, log in with Facebook or e-mail, like and share adverts, and much more.
Besides importing as much as Three photos whereas posting an advert, This app lets you additionally add a 10-second video, it is a nice function that different listings classifieds apps wouldn’t have!

Users will have the ability to report adverts or customers and block/unblock inappropriate customers to stop getting chat messages from blocked individuals. They may also capable of ship Feedbacks to different sellers

woopy has additionally a verification e-mail system, as soon as a person indicators up, the back4app server sends a verification e-mail based mostly on the e-mail handle the person typed within the signup display screen. People will have the ability to see if a person is Verified or not by coming into his/her Profile display screen.

The Categories names and pictures are saved into the Parse Dashboard, so that you’ll have the ability to add new classes remotely with out having to replace the app.
Check its demo APK to see it in motion!

Since its backend is by Parse Server, you don’t have to purchase any area/internet hosting, there are NO PHP recordsdata to add to an internet server so that you’ll avoid wasting cash for server facet, additionally as a result of back4app affords a beneficiant free plan.

woopy is a local Android Studio venture, Universal, tremendous simple to customise, backend with Parse Server hosted on https://back4app.com

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About Parse SDK and back4app

Read this text for more information about back4app and Parse SDK: https://hubpages.com/technology/Parse-SDK-will-not-shutdown-in-thanks-to-back4app

Can I host Parse Server by myself server?

Yes, though I don’t present assist for the setup course of, you may learn the official Guide right here: http://parseplatform.org

What about free assist for this template?

I can supply free assist for bugs encountered within the authentic code.
Instead, in the event you’ve edited the code and messed one thing up with it, I could apply some charge to repair it both through GroupViewer or by checking your app venture recordsdata immediately on my laptop.

How do I rename the app’s package deal identify?

Read this tutorial to discover ways to rename a package deal identify: https://hubpages.com/technology/Android-How-to-rename-an-app-package

Should I take advantage of the most recent model of Android Studio to edit this template?

Yes, I all the time replace my apps to the most recent model of the IDE and also you additionally ought to be sure to’ve up to date the Android Tools to their newest model of the Android SDK supervisor.

The demo APK crashes on startup

Make certain that the minimal Android model of your machine is the one listed within the FEATURES part beneath. If the issue persists, please contact me by my profile’s contact kind and ship me the Logcat message you get when the app crashes together with the steps you made to breed the crash.
Please word that not all actual gadgets print an error Logcat message, on this case simply run the APK into the Android Studio’s emulator and also you’ll certainly get the pink messages about your problem.

How do I take away AdMob banner adverts?

  1. Enter the .xml recordsdata the place there’s an AdView and take away its code:
  2. Enter the .java recordsdata the place there’s an AdRequest occasion into its onCreate() technique and take away its code:
            // Init AdMob banner
            AdView mAdView = (AdView) discoverViewById(R.id.admobBanner);
            AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().construct();
  3. Lastly, take away the play-services-ads reference within the construct.gradle file:
        compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:+'

How to vary photos within the Categories class of my Parse Dashboard?

After importing the Categories.json file into your individual Parse Dashboard, it’s a must to double-click within the empty house between the sting of a cell and the blue picture button to interchange the present photos, verify the screenshot beneath:

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After importing Categories.json in my Parse Dashboard, I see no information

That might occur generally, it’s a bug within the Parse Dashboard, so on this case you need to manually add rows and columns by yourself.
1. Click Edit -> Add a column, select String as sort of information and sort precisely class, then click on ‘Add column’

2. Click Edit -> Add a column, select File as sort of information and sort precisely picture, then click on ‘Add column’
3. Now you may enter the empty cells and insert the identify of your first Category, doublie click on within the empty cell of the picture column and add your first picture.
4. Repeat the steps above for every class you wish to insert in your Parse database.

How do I modify the order of Categories?

The solely approach to try this is to take away all rows from the Categories class and add then once more based mostly on the order you need classes to be proven within the Home display screen of the app since they get ordered by their ‘createdAt’ date.

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  • Android Studio 3.x venture – Universal – Android 5.0+
  • AdMob banners
  • Backend with Parse Server hosted on back}app
  • Browse adverts by Category or search by Keywords
  • Sort adverts by Recent, Price, Most appreciated and Condition
  • Map with radius distance circle and slider to vary the close by distance
  • Post/edit adverts, with Three pics and an elective 10-second video
  • Send/learn Feedbacks and Comments
  • Report/block inappropriate customers or adverts
  • Chat with sellers inside the app, with the likelihood to connect footage to the chat messages
  • Push Notifications for chat messages, likes, feedbacks and feedback
  • Check your appreciated adverts within the My Likes display screen
  • Activity display screen
  • List of lively chats
  • Easy to Customize
  • Well commented code
  • User Guide and PSD graphics included

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  • The newest model of Android Studio and primary data of its interface
  • Photoshop (or related photograph editor softwares)
  • Windows PC or Mac
  • Free account on back4app
  • Facebook developer account
  • Google Developer and Play Store account
  • A sound AdMob account account to create a banner UNIT ID
  • An actual machine with Android 5.Zero or above (really helpful)

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