WordPress Events Calendar

Wordpress Events Calendar


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Item Description:

Professional and elegant plugin that adds an Event Calendar to your posts or pages.


  • Elegant & Sleek Design
  • Languages Support
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Multi calendars in a page or post
  • Upcoming Events Widget
  • Simple to Customize
  • Well Documented

Default Layout

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01 Jul, 2014 – 
Added End Time Feature

16 Nov, 2013 – 
Fixed minor issues adding events

21 Aug, 2013 – 
Added WP editor in events description
Changed AM/PM position

10 Aug, 2013 – 
Fixed issues in upcoming events widget

3 Aug, 2013 – 
Fixed responsive issues

29 Apr, 2013 – 
Added User Role option.

26 Apr, 2013 – 
Fixed an issue with "Upcoming events" widget.

24 Apr, 2013 – 
Added multisite support.

04 Apr, 2013 – 
Fixed an issue with "Upcoming events" widget.

4 Sep, 2012 – 
Fixed an issue with date range.

20 Aug, 2012 – 
Added date range.
Added calendar widget.

04 Aug, 2012 – Fixed issues with Hebrew characters.

27 Apr, 2012 – Improved the admin UI.

07 Mar, 2012 – Fixed a minor issue with time box colors.

05 Mar, 2012 – Fixed issues with weekly events.

28 Feb, 2012 – Fixed minor issues.

03 Feb, 2012 – Added Bulk actions for events in the administration (Clone, Delete)

28 Jan, 2012 – Fixed an issue with the translation of "All Day" label

27 Jan, 2012 – Added Events Font-size Customization. 
Added Width unity ('px', '%'); 

16 Jan, 2012 – Added End Date Feature. 
Added the possibility to change the colors of the priorities boxes 

7 Jan, 2012 – Fixed an issue in the last update. 

27 Dec, 2011 – Added Recurring Events (Frecuency Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) 

19 Dec, 2011 – Added Show/Hide Time feature. 
Added select Date Format on Widget. 
Added "All day" feature on events.

15 Dec, 2011 – Fixed an issue with the font size.

7 Dec, 2011 – Added "Upcoming Events" Widget.

5 Dec, 2011 – Added Style Options to change font-sizes.
Improved the general styles.

3 Dec, 2011 – Fixed minor issues and CSS styles.

1 Dec, 2011 – Added Multi-Calendar Feature.

29 Nov, 2011 - Released

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