WP AMP — Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress and WooCommerce

WP AMP — Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress and WooCommerce


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WP AMP is a premium WordPress plugin which adds support for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for WooCommerce. With this plugin, it takes just a couple of clicks to make your website go mobile.

AMP HTML is an open source initiative by Google which aims to provide mobile-optimized content that can load instantly everywhere. Read more about AMP here – www.ampproject.org.

WP AMP — Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress and WooCommerce - 1

WP AMP enables you to:

  • Include all content types and archives in your mobile website.
  • Embed images, videos, audios and iframes.
  • Fully customize the standard design or create a totally new one.
  • Track visitors with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Yandex.Metrika and Facebook Pixel.
  • Work with Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, The SEO Framework, SEO Ultimate.
  • Integrate AMP with WooCommerce to sell on mobile.
  • Earn some extra money by adding AdSense and DoubleClick advertising to AMP pages.

Languages localization:

  • English
  • German.
  • Spain
  • Russian

This plugin works for:

  • Home pages
  • Blog pages
  • Single posts
  • Static pages
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Date and author archives
  • Search
  • The 404 Not Found Page
  • Custom post types and taxonomies
  • WooCommerce shop, products, categories, cart and tags

Here’s what you can customize:

  • Your logo (text, image, or both)
  • The header menu
  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Footer content
  • Featured images
  • Post meta data blocks
  • Related and recent posts
  • List of post comments and button to comment form
  • WooCommerce features
  • Ad Blocks
  • Custom HTML and CSS

WooCommerce integration

WP AMP plugin works with the WooCommerce plugin and allows you to show your products on your AMP site.

Here are the pages which will be visible on the AMP site:

  • The shop page;
  • Product pages;
  • Product categories and tags pages;
  • Cart page.

Please note: due to AMP Project restrictions there is no way to have the checkout and account pages in the AMP version. So your users will be redirected to the normal version of your site when they click ‘checkout’ etc.

Integrating ads into your mobile website

AdSense allows you to put ad blocks on your website and gives you money for every visitor who clicks on the ad. See the money start to flow in as visitors to your website click on the ads.

With our plugin, you can integrate AdSense into your AMP website and choose where to position the ad block.

Putting the ads at the top will get you more clicks, but might spoil the way your website looks. Placing the ads at the bottom won’t ruin the appearance of your website, but will probably result in fewer clicks.

With our plugin, you can also insert the ads into post content using a simple shortcode ‘[wp-amp-ad]’.

Start getting extra money from your website today!

WP AMP — Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress and WooCommerce - 2

Support for page builders

This feature was requested many times by users of different wysiwyg page builders, breadcrumbs. Technically there is no way to provide full support of them due to AMP standard restrictions — some html tags, inline css and custom js are not allowed. And these wysiwyg page builders for WordPress produce a lot of html and inline css that cannot be displayed correctly and validated on AMP pages.

So we have added the ability to override content for every post/page individually. If you have a complex layout on your desktop version of the site and you want to have the same page on AMP you can create a simple code-free version of text, images, videos, and general formatting, which will be shown only to AMP users.

Or you can disable generation of AMP version for any post or page at all if you need it.

Built-in page builder

Our plugin provides ability to enable, disable, modify and rearrange AMP blocks using built-in drag-and-drop page builder. Page builder works for posts, pages, archives, blog page, search page, 404 page and supported WooCommerce pages. For more information see plugin screenshots.

Plugin shortcodes

The WP AMP plugin provides a pack of shortcodes which you can use in post content:

  • [wp-amp-related] – a shortcode for showing related posts
  • [wp-amp-recent] – a shortcode for showing recent posts
  • [wp-amp-share] – a shortcode for showing social share buttons
  • [wp-amp-ad] – a shortcode for showing AdSense ad blocks
  • [no-amp] – a shortcode for hiding part of post content from amp
  • [wp-amp-switcher] – a shortcode for adding “Switch to regular version” button

For more details and examples please check the plugin documentation.

Plugin API

  • esc_amphtml( $content ) – a function for escaping and sanitizing content output for AMP.
  • is_wp_amp() – a conditional tag, returns “true” if AMP page is opened.

Plugin filters and actions are listed in the documentation.

Important notes

Always resave permalinks and clear all caches when installing or updating WP AMP plugin!

WP AMP is compatible with:

  • SEO Yoast;
  • WP Rocket;
  • Gutenberg;
  • All in One SEO Pack;
  • WP Meta Seo plugin;
  • Divi theme;
  • WPML;
  • Hyper Cache;
  • W3 total cache;
  • WP Ultimate Recipe support;
  • Visual Composer (WP Bakery);
  • Contact Form 7;
  • SEOPress;
  • FooGallery;
  • Yootheme;
  • Avada theme.

If you interested in using AMP with ACF, you will need to get also AMP ACF add-on.

Plugin updates

2020-04-14 - ver 9.3.6
New: activate or disable AMP by post/product category or tag. 

2020-04-03 - ver 9.3.5
Fixed: multiple ads issue; 
Tested WC compatibility. 

2020-01-08 - ver 9.3.4
Fixed: templates.  

2019-12-9 - ver 9.3.3
Fixed: php warning notice. 

2019-11-21 - ver 9.3.2
Fixed: images for post on blog;
Fixed: save add to cart;
Improvement: check class ads;
Fixed: schema type name 'Offer';
Fixed: a few other minor issues.

2019-10-01 - ver 9.3.1    
New: HTML in WooCommerce templates;
Fixed: Schema settings saving data issue;
Fixed: product search in amp.

2019-09-23 - ver 9.3.0    
Improved: compatibility with WP AMP ACF;
Improved: templates blocks;
New: separate templates for custom post types.

2019-09-16 - ver 9.2.9    
Fixed: image src for Yootheme;
Fixed: block "add to cart block" in product archives.

2019-09-06 - ver 9.2.8
Improved: compatibility with WP AMP ACF;
New: Schema.org  legacy functions;
New: footer social icons. 

2019-08-29 - ver 9.2.7
Improved: compatibility with WP Seopress;
Improved: Schema.org functions;
Improved: quotes design. 

2019-08-16 - ver 9.2.6
Fixed: styles for WC filter;
Improved: activation process. 

2019-07-15 - ver 9.2.5
New: compatibility with Yootheme;
New: added sorting block to Woocommerce shop page.

2019-05-14 - ver 9.2.4
Fixed: structured data for blog, archive, front pages;
Improved: child items alignment for menu.

2019-05-7 - ver 9.2.3
Fixed: social script;
Fixed: iFrame.

2019-04-12 - ver 9.2.2
Hotfix: the mobile redirecting. 

2019-04-11 - ver 9.2.1
New: Database Search and Replace Script in PHP compatibility
New: FooGallery compatibility

2019-03-31 - ver 9.2.0
New: 16 languages localisations;
New: cart page; 
New: adding products to the cart without page reloading. 

2019-02-19 - ver 9.1.7
Fixed: styles for an "Add To Cart" button in a "Grid" products template;
Fixed: drag block in WooCcommerce tab;
Fixed: canonical url;
Improved: Spain and Russian localization;
New: German localization. 

2019-02-11 - ver 9.1.6
Fixed: hot fix, syntax error. 

2019-02-08 - ver 9.1.5
New: Add custom font-face
Fixed: Cyrillic character in DB
Fixed: Background color for an amp-img
Improved: License activation

2019-01-25 - ver 9.1.4
New: SEOpress compatibility
Fixed: URL image for schemaorg

2019-01-22 - ver 9.1.3
Fixed: canonical url for Seo Ultimate plugin;
Fixed: Contact Form 7;
Improved: add image for shortcode recent-posts and related-posts.

2019-01-17 - ver 9.1.2
Fixed: Contact Form 7 compatibility;
Fixed: Activation error if the website is in a sub-directory;
Improved: opening external products;
Improved: image sizes on the old theme;
Improved: compatibility with Gutenberg.

2019-01-15 - ver 9.1.1
Fixed: new design & woocommerce compatibility. 

2019-01-14 - ver 9.1.0
New: new theme.
New: Contact Form 7 compatibility.
New: footer menu. 
Fixed: opengraph url for yoast and aisop.
Fixed: html tags error.

2019-01-04 - ver 9.0.14
Fixed: CSS issue;
New: Playbuzz compatibility.

2019-01-03 - ver 9.0.13
Fixed: images size;
Improved: plugin deletion;
New: PHP 7.3 compatibility. 

2019-01-02 - ver 9.0.12
Fixed: Visual Composer compatibility. 

2018-12-28 - ver 9.0.11
New: compatibility with Polylang plugin.

2018-12-27 - ver 9.0.10
Fixed: image size issue;
Fixed: WPML compatibility, menu icon issue;
Improved: activation process.

2018-12-12 - ver 9.0.9
Fixed: bug with the site bar menu;
Improved: reduced number of requests. 

2018-12-12 - ver 9.0.8
Fixed: hot fix;

2018-12-10 - ver 9.0.7
Fixed: html bugs. 
New: Gutenberg support. 

2018-11-22 - ver 9.0.6
Improved: Divi theme compatibility. 
Improved:  activation process. 

2018-11-12 - ver 9.0.5
Improved: WP Meta Seo plugin compatibility;
Improved: The Events Calendar: Community Events plugin compatibility.

2018-11-06 - ver 9.0.4
Fixed: Facebook sharing. 
Improved: activation process. 

2018-10-25 - ver 9.0.3
Fixed: uploading logo errors.
Fixed: WPML compatibility errors.
Improved: CSS structure.

2018-10-9 - ver 9.0.2
Fixed: shop template errors.
Improved: selections options.
Improved: breadcrumbs appearance.

2018-10-4 - ver 9.0.1
Fixed: php errors.
Improved: activation license UX

2018-10-4 - ver 9.0.0
New: updates via the admin panel.
Improved: Added new blocks to Templates settings. 
Improved: Default settings, pages activated. 
Fixed: Compatibility with WP Rocket.
Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 7.2
Fixed: Mobile menu.
Fixed: Menu active state.  

2018-08-7 - ver 8.4.2
    - Instagram hotfix. 

2018-08-6 - ver 8.4.1
    - Fixed the space bug on the search. 

2018-04-10 - ver 8.4
    - Fixed php warning
    - Fixed gallery shortcode
    - Fixed WooCommerce archive description sanitization
    - Several other minor bugfixes

2018-02-15 - ver 8.3
    - Updated translation file .pot
    - Updated documentation
    - Several bugfixes

2017-12-02 - ver 8.2
    - Added ability to replace "This page contains a form" template
    - Added link hover color option
    - Bugfix

2017-11-01 - ver 8.1
    - Bugfix

2017-10-01 - ver 8.0
    - Bugfix and code improvements
    - Updated documentation
    - Updated translation files
    - Added ability to make WooCommerce archive images clickable
    - Added automatic AdSense AMP ads (test mode)

2017-09-07 - ver 7.9
    - Bugfix
    - Added ability to hide excerpt

2017-08-19 - ver 7.8
    - Bugfix
    - Minor improvements
    - Added Russian plugin translation
    - Added Facebook like button

2017-07-29 - ver 7.7
    - Bugfix
    - Minor improvements
    - Updated documentation with examples of using AMP ads between paragraphs

2017-07-07 - ver 7.6
    - Bugfix
    - Minor improvements
    - Updated documentation
    - Added support for WooCommerce 3.x

2017-06-21 - ver 7.5
    - Bugfix
    - Minor improvements
    - Updated documentation
    - Added accordion shortcode
    - WPML - added hreflang tags to AMP

2017-05-02 - ver 7.4
    - Bugfix
    - Added ability to setup menu icon

2017-04-20 - ver 7.3
    - Bugfix
    - Minor improvements
    - Small code refactoring

2017-03-23 - ver 7.2
    - Bugfix
    - Minor improvements
    - Improved related products and add to cart blocks

2017-03-09 - ver 7.1
    - Bugfix
    - Added ability to disable search on AMP
    - Minor improvements

2017-03-03 - ver 7.0
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Fixed schema.org
    - New WooCommerce markup option

2017-02-20 - ver 6.9
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Fixed schema.org
    - Added ability to disable titles
    - Added other cool features
    - Fixed validation issues
    - Fixed wrong meta data (Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack)

2017-02-15 - ver 6.8
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Added product tabs
    - Added related products
    - Added other cool features
    - Fixed schema.org for WooCommerce
    - Fixed validation issues

2017-01-30 - ver 6.7
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Added product ratings
    - Added search block
    - Added other cool features
    - Added support for RTL
    - Fixed validation issues
    - Improved compatibility with other plugins

2017-01-23 - ver 6.6
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Improved related posts and recent posts blocks
    - Added ability to use more ad blocks
    - Added other cool features
    - Fixed validation issues
    - Fixed issues with schema.org

2016-12-28 - ver 6.5
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Added support for Facebook embeds
    - Improved related posts and recent posts blocks
    - Added mail share button
    - Fixed issues with schema.org and rel=canonical

2016-12-12 - ver 6.4
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Added compatibility with WP 4.7
    - Added WhatsApp and Pinterest buttons
    - Added support for Twitter and Instagram embeds
    - Added ability to disable Latest Posts AMP page
    - Fixed issues with YouTube, images, schema.org

2016-11-21 - ver 6.3
    - Many bugfixes and improvements
    - Improved "content override" option
    - Added [no-amp] shortcode
    - Improved compatibility with third-party plugins
    - Added public esc_amphtml() function

2016-11-03 - ver 6.2
    - Some bugfixes
    - Improved compatibility with W3 Total Cache plugin

2016-11-01 - ver 6.1
    - Many bugfixes
    - Improved compatibility with third-party plugins
    - New features

2016-10-10 - ver 5.5
    - Many bugfixes
    - Improved compatibility with several plugins
    - Added development mode

2016-09-27 - ver 5.3
    - Bugfix (500 error and blank page)

2016-09-24 - ver 5.2
    - Bugfix

2016-09-10 - ver 5.0
    - Fixed many bugs
    - Improved security
    - Added more features and options

2016-08-12 - ver 4.3
    - Fixed few bugs

2016-08-10 - ver 4.2
    - Fixed few bugs
    - Improved compatibility with several plugins

2016-08-06 - ver 4.0
    - Fixed few bugs
    - Improved compatibility with several plugins
    - Added settings for enabling/disabling AMP for post types and archives

2016-07-19 - ver 3.4
    - Fixed few bugs
    - Improved compatibility with several plugins

2016-07-01 - ver 3.1
    - Improved admin UI
    - Added ability to override content individually for every post/page.
    - Added social buttons
    - Added related posts and recent posts
    - Drag and drop for AMP page design blocks
    - Fixed few bugs

2016-06-13 - ver 2.2
    - Fixed few bugs

2016-06-10 - ver 2.0
    - Fixed a lot of bugs
    - Added more features and options
    - Improved admin UI
    - Added WooCommerce integration
    - Added support for AdSense
    - Added support for All in One SEO Pack

2016-06-01 - ver 1.5
    - Added minor features
    - Fixed few bugs

2016-05-24 - ver 1.0
    - Initial release


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