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URL: http://pushnifty.com/mojoomla/extend/wordpress/church/
User Role | Username | Password |
Member | member | member |
Volunteer | volunteer | volunteer |
Accountant | accountant | accountant |
Update History
- WordPress 5.4.1 Compatibility. - [Fixed] GUI Issue in all module.
- WordPress 5.3.2 Compatibility. - [Feature] Added Paytm And Paystack Payment Getaways With Our Paymaster Plugin. - Fixed Payment Issue.
- WordPress 5.2.2 Compatibility. - [Fixed] Vulnerabilities safety problem. - Fixed GUI problem in all module.
->Wordpress 5.2.1 Compatibility. - [Feature] Added Field Validation in all modules. - [Feature] Added a number of language help with the translated phrase file. - [Feature] Added Date and Time validation in all module. - [Feature] Added Alert Message Language Translate. - [Feature] Added all Date Formate. - FixGUI problem in all module. - Fix cellular responsive problem.
- Fixed add or take away class problem. - Fixed cost problem
- Add Paymaster plugin help.
-Fixed logout dropdown problem on consumer dashboard. -Fixed multiselect dropdown problem.
- Fixed cellular responsive problem. - Fixed Image Upload Issue. - Fixed File Not Found Issue.
- WordPress 4.9 Compatibility. - cmgt_check_ourserver bug resolved. - Language .po file added.
- 27-11-2017
- WordPress 4.9 Compatibility. - [Feature] Email notifications. - [Feature] Added Document Module. - [Feature] Added Family Member Module. - [Feature] Added export&import member knowledge. - [Feature] Added popup for add ministary and add group and add member in add transaction and add earnings module and member module. - [Feature] Added popup for add vanue and add group in add exercise module. - [Feature] Added popup for add vanue in add reseravation module. - [Feature] Added popup for add member in Pledges module. - [Feature] Added bootsrap datepicker. - [Feature] Added bootsrap timepicker. - [Feature] Added file add validations. - Fixed cost report problem.
- 03-03-2017
- [Feature] Compatibility with avada theme. - Plugin licence key registration.
- 10-02-2017
- WordPress 4.7.2 Compatibility.
-[Feature] Notice Module. -[Feature] Admin can ship mail or message of birthday needs to members.
- [Feature] Access Right Page. - [Feature] Pastoral Module - Fully Responsive.
- Upload member via CSV
- Language Options Added
- Initial Plugin launch
To get this product on 50 p.c low cost contact me on this link