Your Calendar – Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar.

Your Calendar - Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar.


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Your Calendar

Thanks to the Your Calendar application you can create a calendar that can display absences and meetings of employees in the company, car reservations in rental companies, and even a calendar displaying the exchange rate of gold or moon phases!

Decide for yourself what events will be displayed and how they will look, who will have access to them and what exactly will see.

Create an attractive calendar.

Your Calendar - Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar. - 1

Choose from dozens of colorful icons to display events in an easy and clear way.

Your Calendar - Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar. - 2

Create any calendar items you want.

Your Calendar - Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar. - 3

Easily edit events on selected days.

Your Calendar - Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar. - 4

Your Calendar have advanced permission system in which you can specify which events can be viewed and edited by users and guests.
Your Calendar - Universal multi-functional calendar. Team, rental, multipurpose calendar. - 5

User manual and info:

Demo 1:

An example of using a calendar in a company to display absences, employee busy, booking conference rooms and company cars.

Demo 2:

Calendar at a vehicle rental company.

Demo 3:

Calendar for marking reservations of a photo studio.


For proper operation of the application you need a server that meets the following requirements:
– PHP 7.2
– PHP extension: intl and GD or Imagick
– MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB 10.1+ database with InnoDB engine support


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