YouTube CB –

Product Name: YouTube CB –


Click here to get YouTube CB – at discounted price while it’s still available…

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YouTube CB – is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


If you want to get more dream customers and clients for your coaching, consulting or online course business, you need to understand what’s in this training.

I logged in to my account on that tuesday morning, happily drinking a cup of coffee when my eyes suddenly froze… It couldn’t be real, could it? I blinked twice, hoping my eyes had deceived me, but it was still there. The red bar of death. My ad account had been shut down.

“You can’t run ads, manage advertising assets or create new ad or business accounts.”

See, all of my customers were coming from FB ads…

I had been warned that I was taking a big risk by relying on Mark Z. as a business partner.

I had been warned that ONE slap could take me out. That FB doesn’t actually care about my business, and one glitch in the algorithm could wipe me off the map.

But I didn’t think it would really happen to me. After all, things were working so well.

But they did. Maybe Mark Z. had a fight with his wife and decided to take it out on someone. And just like Thanos, he decided to destroy the earth. I know I wasn’t the only one who had their account shut down that week.

>> My team was going to suffer, I might even have to let them go. This was their livelihood at stake.

>> My customers were going to suffer because I wouldn’t have the necessary resources to support them, to improve the product and grow the company. This was their livelihood at stake.

>> My business was going to fail. Without traffic there is no revenue, and without revenue, there is no business. This was MY livelihood at stake.

All in all, I figured about 1,000 people were counting on me to get this figured out. For a moment I thought to myself, maybe my friends and family were right, and this entrepreneurship stuff was all just a distraction. I should go back to the 9-5… JUST KIDDING! THis wasn’t the first time I had been kicked. I was going to figure it out. First step, the internet.

I talked to my friend and he said “you seem pretty calm about this,” and weirdly, I was.

I’ve learned that it is times of struggle that produce the greatest results.I knew something good would come from this, I just didn’t know what it was yet.

I calmly searched YouTube for “how to get my FB account back,” and I noticed something strange.

The video itself wasn’t very helpful… but something happened before it started.

I was shown an ad… for one of my competitors. “Wait, they’re advertising on YouTube?!” I just about jumped out of my chair.

I quickly searched them on, a website that shows where website traffic comes from.

And what I saw blew my mind.

75% of their traffic was coming from YouTube!! I thought that FB was the way to go for online courses.

I thought youtube was too expensive, too complicated and didn’t convert. After all, I don’t have movie star good looks or Barack Obama level composure on camera.

It wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. I swear I learn something new everyday in this business.

And now, I finally had a good excuse to master YouTube ads, something I’d been wanting to do for years, but never had a good reason to devote the time and energy required to truly understand a new platform.

I knew that if my competitors could make it work, I could too, the problem was, I just didn’t know where to start.

I fired up google on my 2016 MacBook Pro and quickly pecked in a search.

“Youtube ads course” And I got tons of results.

Unfortunately… they were all garbage.

It’s like taking fitness advice from someone who says they increase their bench press from 20 lbs to 40 lbs.

OR taking driving advice from someone who only knows how to drive a lawnmower. Lawn mower driving tips were not what I was after.

I knew that I should only take advice from someone who was ahead of me.

I kept searching but it turns out that most of the market is people claiming to know how ad platforms work… when they don’t operate at scale at all.

So I changed my strategy.

After all, these are the people who have truly mastered the ads platform.

I studied their targeting and their placements. I dissected their strategy piece by piece. ​

I even had a valuable staff member divert all of their attention to obsessing over YouTube ads research so we could form a real plan and follow through.

See my customers don’t really hang out on Google, but they do use YouTube… and YouTube is the second-biggest search engine in the world after Google, with 1.9 billion monthly active users.

And unlike FB, where users are scrolling through their newsfeed like crack-addicted bunny rabbits, YouTube users are actually there to learn.

That means, they actually pay attention when you give them something interesting to pay attention to.

I don’t know about you, but I HATE constantly updating my ads.

I’d rather just run one ad that works.

And that’s what I did on YouTube. No changing out the images and the copy. Just one ad, about 2 minutes long.

Did I mention I didn’t even have to be in front of the camera for the ad?

I just wrote a simple script for a voiceover and read it aloud in to my phone.

Then I used something called “B-roll” aka background footage for the ad.

One ad. A couple placements. Hundreds of thousands a month in revenue. No more relying just on FB.

See, I did end up getting FB ads back, but now, I have two sources of traffic. If one goes out, I’m covered. I have contingency plans. I have diversification and peace of mind. And I have a competitive advantage over everyone who is too lazy to advertise on YouTube.

And that feels good. Today, I want to do the same for your business.

Leapfrog the competition by fishing where others won’t

I want to give you massive traffic with YouTube ads using strategies that actually work at scale. I want to give you the ferrari driving course of YouTube ads.

If you’ve ever wished you could sneak in to the office of a multimillion dollar online course company and literally watch how we grow so fast, this is for you…

In fact, it frustrated me and I wanted to quit. Today, it’s simple and I love logging in to my account. That’s the transformation we’re going to give to you today.

You do NOT need to have a following or subscriber base on YouTube to make paid ads work

I know you want to know, will this work for you, so let us take ALL risk.

You’re covered by our 60-day money back guarantee. If you don’t think this is the best YouTube ads course you’ve ever taken, simply delete the program off your computer and email for a refund within 60 days, and we’ll give you back every penny. The risk is all ours. That’s how much we believe in the program.

Q1. When does the course start and finish?——————A1. The course starts now and never ends. This is an evergreen course and will never be finished. I will continue to add modules and lectures and keep the content updated and relevant to today

Q4. I am not a professional at recording and editing, can I do it?——————A4. Yes! Anyone with a phone that has a camera can do it.

Q6. What if I am unhappy with the course?——————-A6. We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 60 days and we will give you a full refund.

Q7. Will the price stay the same?——————-A7. No, as we continue to update the program we’ll be doubling the price of the program. The current price is at a massive discount so we can get quick feedback and build momentum.

Q8. Is this for beginners or advanced students?——————-A8. Both. For beginners there are in-depth tutorials showing where the various settings are, which is great for helping you get started. It’s also great for advanced YouTube ad buyers who spend 7-figures a year on YouTube ads like we do.

Q12. I have more questions, how can I get them answered?——————–A12. Click on the “chat” box in the bottom right hand corner of this screen.

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© 2019 The Martin Group LLC

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Click here to get YouTube CB – at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

YouTube CB – is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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