Zhen CRM

Zhen CRM


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View Zhen CRM documentation (and latest version) here

Do you need a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) or inside sales software that is web-based and with the power of more popular CRMs (such as Salesforce, Highrise, SugarCRM, Dynamics CRM, vTiger, etc) but self-hosted on your own servers for security reasons and with full access to source code?

Zhen CRM is a self-hosted CRM with full source code (in CakePHP and MySQL) that aims to be visually easy to use, simple and straightforward, and provides all the features you need from a full-featured CRM!

Zhen CRM comes with:

  • Contacts: mark your contacts as leads, clients and opportunities
  • Deals: mark deals that are in process, accepted and/or rejected
  • Calendar: put events in your calendar
  • Sharing: Zhen CRM is web-based and allows multiple users to use the system from their browser with their own separate login accounts
  • Security/ACL: Only users who own a contact or deal or event can edit that specific entity, thus enforcing organization and ownership security/ACL.

Built on top of Twitter Bootstrap and CakePHP, Zhen CRM can be installed in any environment or server that runs PHP and MySQL.

With a basic knowledge of CakePHP, you can modify Zhen CRM for your own use, adding custom fields, custom features, etc.

Try Zhen CRM for your personal or business CRM needs, and you will not be disappointed!

Demo: please use admin / admin@123 to log in.

Change Log

  • V 1.5, Sep 8, 2015: [1] Add notes to each contact, to keep track of your touch points with each contact. [2] “History” tab for each contact shows you all the changes you’ve made for the contact [3] Dashboard has been revamped to show all the useful metrics for salespeople [4] Call scripts feature has been added so you can keep a list of standard calling scripts for sales people.
  • V 1.3.2, Mar 5, 2014: Bug fixes related to login, user accounts and e-mails.
  • V 1.3, Jan 15, 2014: Some bug fixes and UI update.
  • V 1.2.1, Jun 30, 2013: Bug fix when adding new user.
  • V 1.2, May 22, 2013: Added filtering. Bug fix for image uploads.
  • V 1.1, May 2013: Heavy UX/UI updates.
  • V 1.0, Feb 2013: Initial release.

Installation instructions: (1) Unzip files on server (2) Run /app/telerim/sql/crm.sql on your MySQL database (3) Copy /app/Config/database.php.default to /app/Config/database.php and update this new file with your MySQL database settings. (4) Hit the public URL on your server with your browser, login as admin / admin@123 and change settings.

This system has the same common features as other Zhen apps:

  • Self-hosted: Host on your own server or shared host with only PHP/MySQL as requirements.
  • Web-based: Use from any browser.
  • Secure and private: Your copy of Zhen applications is your own, and runs on your own servers, so you have full control.
  • Customization: If you or your developer know CakePHP/PHP/MySQL, you can fully customize your local copy.


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